Sunday, October 6, 2013

Wearing Shorts In October

Tonight I'm feeling rather blue. I'm trying hard to stay positive & productive. I've been productive for sure. Good things are going on around here & there's really not much reason to be sad. I'm just thinking about our difficulties & what the future may hold.

Scott was a whirlwind of shopping today. He spent a lot of time at 4 different stores getting us our surplus of goods for the week. Sebastian & Willow went for part of these boring adventures & then they were done.

It was a gorgeous day - no rain and warm! The kids had on shorts! We were going to take them to the park but didn't have a good chunk of time to do so. Sebastian didn't even want to go to the park because he can't ride his bike at the park we go to, it's a bit dangerous. The kids have been playing in the water table a lot lately. I'm not really sure why. At this point it consists of a few cups of dirty water, so I'm not sure what they are doing in it. Willow thinks it is hysterical when she gets to stay outside by herself and play in the table. It seems to relax Judah when he plays in it. It's a very simple toy that's getting a lot of use, which is great.

Everyone slept in until 9 this morning, except Sebastian of course. It's unusual for Willow & Judah to allow us such late sleeping. Scott attempted to let me sleep in late, but I wasn't able to. I was too used to being up!

Judah made some incredible progress today. He said some new phrases, albeit not happy ones, but still progress. He said his first four word sentence - "Help me go poop." The other two new phrases were "help me" and "help mom". Yes, we are still having pooping issues, but at least the pain doesn't happen nearly as often (just once today for quite a while). Judah & Sebastian are both getting Miralax at this point. Sebastian is having a different issue. Miralax is a wonder. It dissolves in liquid & is taste free! This is probably the only over the counter cleansing medicine that we could ever get into Judah. If medicine has the tiniest bit of flavor he catches it, and typically hates it.

Tomorrow Judah, Willow & I are going on a morning play date walk around Bush Park. I am hoping for more sunshine!

Oh! Another great moment of progress occurred this evening that I forgot to mention! I told Judah it was time to brush teeth and I pretended for a couple of seconds to brush my teeth with my finger, as I sometimes do with him. With Willow I just say " Chi Chi!" That is her way of saying brush teeth. I only told Judah ONE TIME and then he disappeared down the hallway. Thinking I was on my way to find him doing who knows what, I passed the bathroom and saw him standing on the stool that he had moved to the sink. He was waiting on me to get his toothbrush ready! I told him he needed toothpaste as I was putting on the toothpaste. He then said something that sounded somewhat like paste. He is changing so much and so quickly!

Judah and Sebastian both use Crest Pro-Health now. We no longer have to buy fruity smelling toothpaste with Jake and the Neverland Pirates on the tube, it's a miracle! It's also nice because adult toothpaste is easy to get for free when you coupon - which I need to start doing again because our stocks are running low. We kept forgetting to buy the boys their toothpaste, so we tried Pro-Health since it tastes good. Apparently it's not as good as Jake because Judah no longer wants to brush his teeth 4 times in a row - seriously. But at least they use it!! Judah has really been enjoying brushing since we gave him an electric toothbrush.

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