Saturday, November 2, 2013

Portland Workshop

This morning we all headed up to Portland. Scott dropped me at a workshop where I spent 2 1/2 hours learning about autism. It was the first session of three sessions that will go through mid-December. I learned a ton. Judah's school speech therapist was attending as well - that was a surprise. Scott took the kids to Washington Park to play while I was in the workshop.

In Oregon services begin for autistic children as soon as they receive an educational diagnosis (which is a quick process). However, kids with an educational diagnosis of autism in Washington cannot receive services until they get a medical diagnosis as well. Other states are the same. To give you an idea of how horrible this is - Here in Oregon, the wait to get a medical diagnosis can be up to 2 1/2 years! While kids in Washington are enduring their wait time they are receiving no services, no help. Giving children help as soon as possible is crucial. Washington's law is a travesty.

After my workshop we headed to Judah's music therapy. Scott took Willow & Bash to Wendy's. Judah only made it through 20-30 minutes of therapy, but the work he did in that short amount of time was awesome. Angie asked him to touch a letter on her I-pad and he did. He filled in a part of her song with the appropriate noises at one point (you should have seen her face). He said some new words. I participated more than usual today & that really seemed to get him going more. Afterwards, while we waited on Daddy to pick us up with the kids, his motivation sparked even more as he counted the leaves on a plant outside the window. Angie brought out her I-pad while we were waiting & showed him a video of a shape song. He was immersed in it. I guess we need to work on shapes! When Angie was using her I-pad at the piano & he was participating in the song by touching letters on the screen she turned to me & said, "Does he have this at home?" I told her we didn't even have an I-pad at home.

We stopped at Whole Foods after therapy. The kids & I ate lunch while Daddy shopped for organic fruits & veggies. Daddy surprised Sebastian with a new movie tonight as his "surprise" for cleaning the play room the other day. Sebastian took out the bathroom trash without even being asked to this evening & without even telling me. He also mopped both of the bathrooms. He's been wanting to mop for some time. Tonight the kids were booming with energy. They were bouncing off of everything!!

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