Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sebastian's First Comic-Con

Willow used the potty a lot today (the real one!), unsuccessfully most times, but very much determined to sit on it any time I mentioned it to Judah or when Judah went potty. They fought over the stool when Judah wanted to wash his hands after he pottied & Willow was demanding to use it to potty. I may start potty-training Willow. I'm just not sure if she knows when she has to go.

Judah, Willow & I played outside (they had snack too) for quite a while today. Nice weather again. They rode trikes together. Judah would use his feet to push his trike way up the driveway. Then he would lift his feet, and soar backwards down the driveway. He only fell over on his trike one time. Willow saw this & did it with him, many times. Great interaction. Judah played badminton, concentrating a lot, sometimes able to hit the birdie into the air towards me. He would put the birdie on his racket, hold it out and try to send his birdie towards me using the racket. He came up with the idea of putting 2 birdies on his racket to have a better chance of accomplishing his goal. When he had the soccer ball he tried to throw it over the neighbor's fence (he loves doing this so he can go over there & get it). I stopped him. Then every single time I looked away or walked away he would stop whatever he was doing and try to throw it over the fence again. He knows what is going on.

Scott & Sebastian went to Comic-con today. Sebastian had a blast! He told me all about it when he got home tonight. After hearing his stories, I thought tonight might be a good time to Skype Meemaw & Granddad. Sebastian could tell his Comic-con stories & Meemaw & Granddad could catch a glimpse of Judah's recent progress.

We Skyped for quite a while with them. Scott & Willow were gone. Judah stayed on camera most of the time, even more than Sebastian! At first he did run off a couple of times, probably out of habit, but had not problem with me setting him back in the chair. Sebastian showed them his Spanish homework & popped on camera wearing his various masks from time to time. He showed them the new karate moves he learned at Comic-con today as well. He took a class while they were there. His kicks were really good, I was impressed!

Judah ran off & seemed to be looking for something to show them. I suggested his new Mack truck (kind of pushed him into it). He showed them & played with it (and Mater) on the desk for a lot of the Skype. He also put together his thick puzzle & started putting together one of Sebastian's 24 piece Cars puzzles! He showed them the thick puzzle after he put it together. He threw handfuls of puzzle pieces a couple of times. He willingly helped me put one of the puzzles back into it's box.

Judah seemed to be very aware of what was going on during Skype, but not quite sure how to engage. He communicates very physically with people he loves - that was probably part of it - not being able to do that through computer. And besides, talking via computer is a bit weird, scary & always feels new. We should probably try regular Skyping sessions with Meemaw & Granddad. He did seem to be more talkative when Sebastian got  riled up. Willow does the same! They want to join in and also want the attention. Judah's soft voice seemed hard for Meemaw & Granddad to hear (another Skype disadvantage). He talked to me directly, very softly a lot during the Skype, wanting me to play with him & with no intention of leaving the chair/Skype.

Judah stuck his face in the camera & made a funny face for Meemaw & Granddad. He knocked on the screen & also showed them his tongue for quite a while.


The lady I met yesterday (just one year older than me) sent me a big email. She mentioned many, many helpful things! She took a CLASS at WESD! They have classes?!? She told me who to get in contact with, which happened to be a lady that Christy (a friend who moved but had a son in WESD here before that) had spoken highly of. We will be contacting this lady! We've met her one time in the past, at Judah's initial testing/evaluations/eligibility session. That was probably almost 2 years ago. Anyway, apparently WESD told her about the class many times, called her at home & even sent her a pamphlet on it. Are we at a different WESD??? Her daughter is 2, so they are at the part where someone comes out to your house to work with your child. Our lady only came once a month for under an hour. I'm very curious to see how their experience will change once her daughter is in school.

  • The classes are called IMPACT, the contact is Maija at WESD. My friend's class went for 6 weeks (met once/week). They may also have a 1 hour one-on-one coaching session (my friend recently took one). Her class focused on teaching your child to communicate & playing with your child.

Another helpful tid-bit, using ancient Chinese massage known as Qigong massage. My friend Dynee has done this with her child too. She saw results, my new friend has too. She said it helps a lot with sensory & relieving energy blocks. Her daughter enjoys it & it also relaxes her at night. She uses a book that Dr. Silva wrote.

  • Judah's sensory - he likes pressure, he likes banging his body against things & spinning. Qigong massage. Dr. Silva (from Salem) wrote a book on it. She may be in town soon.

  • Judah's IFSP will be on Tuesday at 1:30. Mom may be joining, but other than that we will have no advocates with us. Unfortunately Donna from Dave's work( that we met with) has a meeting at that time. We haven't been in touch with Robin recently - probably should have done that.

  • Judah definitely does less when I'm a bit over enthusiastic or focused on him. That happened quite a few times today. He wouldn't do things I knew he could, things I have seen him do before.  He wouldn't zip his coat, wouldn't even try. Same with putting on his pants (eventually he did). He wanted much more assistance today than he needed. He would not get shoes or socks after being prompted many times.

  • Judah said, "clean, clean" as he picked up darts that I had told him to pick up. He was likely attempting to sing the universal clean-up song (they do it at school & Sebastian does it here).
  • He said "All aboard!!" a lot today. He said "Caillou" quite a bit while watching it. He named things he saw on the show & repeated things they said. He said "Oh boy!" clearly.
  • I asked him to turn off the light & pointed to it. He turned it off.
  • I prompted him many times to say, "more chicken please". He said "more chicken... please" eventually.
  • I said, "Judah do you want to come to the table?" just one time, and he turned around and went. He was watching tv at the time. The next many times I tried to cue him to go to the table & eat he didn't go (was also very engaged in Wubbzy on tv). I had to use the magic word "eat". He always goes to the table when we say that.
  • He used the real potty when he had a bm this morning.
  • He was in underwear about half the day. 
  • He had one wet diaper during the day & wet his pants immediately after he had finished potty and was heading to bath. .
  • He continues to pee in the tub. We rarely actively discourage that though - we need to.
  • We found a pirate boat in the garage. He looked at it and said, "Pi!" He told me "Pi!"repeatedly while he was in the tub, pointing to the skull flag on the boat. When we found it I told him we could use it in the bath. He went right inside. I walked into the bathroom to find him with his pants down, washing the boat in the sink. I asked him if he needed to potty and he told me, "bath!!" He did sit on the potty though - then wet his pants while heading towards bath.
  • He scooped up rocks with a toy outside, counted to 3 and then threw them. I showed him how to pour the rocks after he scooped them (just once). And that's what he did after that! I squirted water with a bath toy & handed it to him. He immediately figured out how to do the same! The past 2 nights he has put a lid on his sippy cup correctly & independently. Tonight after he did it, he held it to his chest and said, "mine".
  • Judah had lots of eye contact with me & some with Willow today. (Scott & Bash gone)
  • I counted to 11 before he could open the freezer for me to check his chicken. He caught on right away. Usually he slams the freezer door open & shut repeatedly while he is anxiously waiting for his chicken to cool. He was able to wait every time I counted. He got excited when I would stop at 10, he thought the anticipation of the big "Eleven!!" was great.
  • We did all of his supplements & med before our late breakfast. Going to start doing them all in the morning.
Judah took same meds/supplements as usual. Nothing extra.

I'm going to try & persuade Scott to write in here about the Comic-con experience, Sebastian's first. (age 6)

DAVE- Italics in the top of the blog are for you. The rest is under Judah.

Comic Con
Sebastian went to his fist comic con today. We went because Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) was leading a panel on what it was like to be in Star Wars. Sebastian really enjoyed seeing how tall he was and hearing him talk about playing Chewbacca. After the session we went to see the green power ranger. He was leading a karate class on how to kick like a power ranger. Sebastian just watched but showed us his moves when we got home! After the class, we walked the convention floor for the rest of the time. He got to see a lot of comic book artists including Neal Adams as well as many old comic books and even a working R2-D2 unit. Overall I think he had a good time. I think his favorite thing was the chocolate brownie toffee ice cream!


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