Monday, June 30, 2014

Sun & Water

The kids played in the sprinkler a lot today. It amazed me how long they were able to stay in those sun rays. I was watching them from any shady spot I could find! Sebastian is getting really good at our generic "Slip n' Slide". Unfortunately the water line that keeps water spraying on the mat ripped today. Unfixable. Sebastian thought the whole thing was trash. Nope, now you just have what I had as a kid (minus the inflated landing area)! Now you set the hose at the top of the mat to keep the mat wet.

Everything breaks here. Today I dropped my phone (which has happened over a THOUSAND times). The screen broke into a million pieces, as if a semi had just run over it, when it had really just landed on the kitchen floor because Mommy had too much crap in her hands. Our broom snapped in half the day before yesterday, no joke.

So yeah, get to me by email. My phone still works but is mighty dangerous. Scott cut his finger on my phone screen tonight. I'm sure as heck not holding it against my face!! I'm not ignoring your texts & calls.. just email.

Gramma picked up a slew of birthday items for the Star Wars party today. Very nice.

So far I've only contacted one parent - inviting their kid/s over for a play date. They aren't able to do that for another month though. Gotta get Sebastian someone to run around with over here!! I'll write some others tomorrow.

Judah progress was about the same today? Still repeating words people say - clearly a lot of the time. He didn't seem to understand some directions I gave him like, "Close the door", "pants off" and "bring me your bowl". He had 2 enormous poops.

Judah meds.
  • DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
  • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
  • Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
  • Miralax 1-2 times day - 2 times
  • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day 
  • his b-12/folinic shot
  • WP Minerals 1/day
  • Beta TCP 1-4 daily - 1 times
  • Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morning
  • Creon (pancrilipase
  • Iron up 1 tsp/day
  • Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day  - 1 tsp
  • Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
  • Fish Oil 
  • Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
  • skin rash med x 1
Meds not complete
 Meds didn't take
  • Probiotic 1 daily in morning
  • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS  missed 1
Meds we don't have
  • Sleep factor
  • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS 

  • Sunday, June 29, 2014

    A Break

    Scott took the kids to the park today- all 3!
    Scott took the kids to the store today- all 3!
    I had a break. I desperately, sorely needed one. I just needed some time to myself. Unfortunately this time was spent adding check marks to the growing to-do list, but at least I was doing this stuff with no interruptions & no noise. I'll take that break any day. Thanks babe.

    Gramma is going to have a book signing on Aug. 1st. She gifted me a copy of her book. Otherwise I would have been ordering on Amazon.. did I mention it's on Amazon? That's no joke! Buy it here!   School for the Dead

    The kids were elated to see Gramma & Papa! They stopped by on their way home from their big trip. They went to see how our garden was doing. Scott & I stayed inside. Minutes later Judah ran in to get me, pulling me outside to join. Soon afterwards he ran back in for Scott! When we were inside, Judah requested his new favorite movie, "Finding Nemo". He said, "Nemo!!" I told him that Gramma & Papa were here and asked him if he wanted to watch it for Judah or for Gramma/Papa. He said very clearly, "Gramma!!" He wanted to share Nemo with me as well recently. He was so intent on this that he held onto me so I wouldn't leave his side while we watched it, haha. Willow was sorrowful to see Gramma & Papa leave.

    Woke up to pancakes this morning - thanks babe.

    Judah meds.
    • DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
    • Miralax 1-2 times day - 1 times
    • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day 
    • his b-12/folinic shot
    • WP Minerals 1/day
    • Beta TCP 1-4 daily - 1 times
    • Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morning
    • Iron up 1 tsp/day
    • Fish Oil 
    • Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
    • skin rash med x 2
    Meds not complete
     Meds didn't take
    • Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
    • Probiotic 1 daily in morning
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS  missed 1
    • Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day  - 1 tsp
    Meds we don't have
  • Sleep factor
  • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS 
  • Creon (pancrilipase
  • Saturday, June 28, 2014

    Sleeping Family

    T showed up early this morning- we headed off to music therapy. Angie had some new techniques - used iPad to watch video of another kid he knows doing the scarf activity he was getting ready to do, swinging (I held his feet, T his arms - he'd never done this before), often giving him a choice (jumping or spinning). He gave a clear answer every time - choosing the one I would have guessed he would choose, so obviously he knew what she was asking and understood the options. One of his best sessions.

    T's daughters stopped by the house - it was nice to put faces to the little girls she sometimes mentions. 11 year old identical twins.

    I was really glad that T came for the music therapy. It gave us basically 2 hours of driving time to talk. And Judah always seems to do well with 3 adults focused & working with him (like when Rosemary comes for his massage - he absolutely loves it).

    Bastian & I stopped at Trent's yard sale. Everyone was present in Trent's garage except Trent. His mom sold us a small table & chair for 3 bucks. T doesn't think she can use the little chairs we have & wants to sit at Judah's level to work with him. The table & chair I bought today aren't light, nor heavy. But they are thick & somewhat weighted. I've never seen a toddler/kid chair & table that doesn't tumble over when you nudge it. Trent's mom wanted to find clothes for Willow. She pulled out many different pieces of clothing for me to look at, but most of them had stains & only 2 or 3 were Willow's actual size, haha. She was a sweet lady.. slowly going through piles of clothing. I told her to stop & she smiled & just kept casually laying pieces of clothing down on the table in front of me. Her daughter is the same - has a peaceful presence.. she sort of floats along, smiling. I bought Willow a jean dress that looked sort of 4th of Julyish for a buck, basically to be polite.

    I spent 2 1/2 hours trying to get Willow down tonight. I came into the living room afterwards to find Scott crashed out on the couch. I'm the only one up!

    Willow is the funniest toddler I've ever met, like seriously. I'd give good examples but I'm too tired. Tonight I was carrying her to put her down and she said, "Goodnight Scott!" Scott kissed her face & she giggled. Then she said again, "Goodnight Scott!" Scott kissed her face & she laughed even harder. I think we did this 10 times if not more. Today she started calling everyone her "friend". "This is my friend Judah." she told me after we got home from therapy. "You're my friend, Molly." she later told me.

    "Goodnight Scott!!"

    Last night I promised Sebastian that they could do Play-Doh again today - pics below. Judah smashed many Willow & Bastian creations with his Thomas train. Sebastian made many different flavors of Play-Doh ice cream. Willow really enjoyed using the Play-Doh scissors & cutting out pieces. Sebastian would proudly hold up his Play-Doh creation and say something like, "My snowman!!" Then Willow would grab the nearest scrap or wad of Play-Doh she could find & hold it in the air, announcing the exact same thing.. "My snowman!!" Sebastian's next line is always, "Willow stop copying me!!" Later Sebastian was singing the "clean up song" in Spanish. Willow began to sing along with him. "Willow will you please stop singing, you're hurting my ears!!" Often when he raises his voice at her it's something like, "WILL-OOHHHHHH!" Man, she has it rough with him. Even T mentioned that to me today. Neither one of us can really figure out what's going on there. T can step back & look at things differently though.. I'm betting the real issue will pop out at her soon.

    Thomas the Train ran over this little snowman a millisecond after I snapped this. You can see Judah driving Thomas towards him in the pic!

    T mentioned someone she knew who had 2 concussions.. which resulted in headaches & forgetfulness.. doc said she was going to have brain damage if the violence didn't stop. I have headaches & forgetfulness.. ?? Made me nervous when she told me that story!

    T said she's also had many of the same issues that we had with J's school. And she was trying to work for them! Everything was still top secret & policies trumped all.. every employee comes back at you with the mention of policies when you have any conversation with them beyond hellos & goodbyes. EVERY employee. Maybe they are robots.

    T said she will help with Judah's bday party. This is glorious news. Judah usually requires the attention & strength of a few people during events like that. Remember graduation? She will be a lifesaver for sure. She said she'll even get there early!

    Off to enjoy my "alone" aka, everyone's asleep time!!

    Judah meds.
    • DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
    • Probiotic 1 daily in morning
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS  just 1
    • Miralax 1-2 times day - 1 times
    • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day 
    • his b-12/folinic shot
    • WP Minerals 1/day
    • Beta TCP 1-4 daily - 1 times
    • Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morning
    • skin rash med x 2
    Meds not complete
     Meds didn't take
    • Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
    • Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day  - 1 tsp
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS  missed 1
    • Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
    • Iron up 1 tsp/day
    • Fish Oil 
    Meds we don't have
  • Sleep factor
  • Creon (pancrilipase

    Friday, June 27, 2014

    Aye! Aye!

    Hi! Short entry.

    T was here half the day. When she told the kids she had to go home they were sad. "Really??" Sebastian said. The kids all stood in the driveway waving & yelling, "Bye!!!" as she drove away. In the beginning, I wasn't worried about Judah getting attached to the person we were going to hire. This subject had come up because we were looking at college students for the job. They have crazy hours & could possibly come & go on a job. But I didn't think he would become hugely emotionally attached to a person coming in to help him, and definitely not this quickly!! Honestly I think right now Judah's siblings are the most attached to T. But he is definitely getting there. I wasn't even out of the bathroom when she got here this morning - I make it to the kitchen & she has got the dishes stacked nicely in the sink & a pot of coffee going. She usually makes a cup of coffee for herself & one for me when she is here. She's a sweet woman.. and very interesting, intelligent, and seems to have lived a pretty exhilarating life thus far. Very inspiring.

    Willow is just blowing sentences out of her mouth that are so funny & sooo creative! Honestly most of the time I have no idea where her thoughts have originated. Willow too is very interesting, intelligent, sweet and definitely inspiring! Today I told her that we were going to go to her room to get her shoes. She looks up at me and says, "Aye! Aye! Captain Molly!" While I was on the phone this morning she started dancing around in her shirt that moved like a dress singing, "Molly's house.. Molly's house!"

    Judah sat with me & watched part of a video of one of his past music therapy sessions. He was smiling, touching people on the screen, & saying "Mommy" when he looked at me on the screen. When I pointed him out in the video and said, "Judah", he looked puzzled. I don't think he knew that was him! He's really been checking himself out a lot in the mirror lately. We looked at old photos together today - he was much more interested than usual. I have no idea what he is thinking. While we were watching the video I asked him if he liked it and he said, "I like it."

    Today was awesome for Judah - speech wise. I heard him repeating a LOT of what T said as they played trains. Most of the words he repeated today were brand new, some were very clear. I heard phrases, as well as appropriate replies & requests. He is often pointing out things he sees now & sharing them with us.. my stack of ribbons looked similar to an Angry Birds scene. He told me "Angry Birds!!" and then punched over all of my ribbon (repeatedly, sigh). If he catches something small in view and wants you to see it, he will say what it is and show you in some way. He was able to hang out with T for probably an hour while I was out of the room today. Hopefully clinging to Mom is wearing off some.

    Judah & Willow have been fighting - hitting one another. Willow & Sebastian have been fighting - verbally. Ugh!! Tonight poor Sebastian was very upset & screaming at the top of his lungs because he didn't get to lay down with Willow & I before he went to bed. After hitting me he was still going to be allowed to. After hitting Daddy.. we just couldn't let him. He was hitting other things too - mainly the walls I think. I heard him punch our door as I tried to get Willow to sleep in my bed. It made me really sad. He was overwhelmed & frustrated.. which grew into being upset & acting out.. and didn't seem like he could control himself after that.. then hitting and then something taken away that he really wanted. Scott handled it all really well. I don't know what we could have done differently. Sebastian is a very sweet, mindful little guy who gets sucked up in this tornado sometimes.. where he can't separate things out, relax and doesn't know what he should or shouldn't do. And of course "growing up" is blended into that as well.

    Sebastian & I did his "Tea" mailbox card. Apparently tea is ridiculously healthy for you! It helps to ward off more danger than a knight in shining armor! After learning about tea (and talking about Gramma a lot), we attempted to make "tea Play-Doh". What a disaster that recipe was! The end result was definitely not Play-Doh. I'm pretty sure we created beach sand, with a very rich smell of spicy chai tea. I skimmed a different Play-Doh recipe online & added a bit of their ideas - no measuring of course. Heating our concoction in a pan seemed to do something magical. I just kept adding, Sebastian kept kneading & eventually we called it finished! He got out all of his Play-doh tools & toys & we sat on the front porch.. making a mess. ;) Willow & Judah came out when I opened the door to head back in for the Play-Doh ice cream machine. They saw the Play-Doh delight. Willow jumped right in with big eyes. Judah said, "Yeah!" and immediately started opening Play-Doh containers. Of course later he brought out a train to play out action sequences - incorporating Play-Doh as a large boulder that the train would run over & squish. He tried to form Play-Doh balls on his own - rolling the Play-Doh in between his hands. This usually resulted in a Play-Doh string rather than a ball. I showed him how to roll a ball & he kept practicing - never once becoming frustrated!! Everyone had a pretty fun time. It was a pretty cool mess & a pretty sweet memory.

    Oh! Sebastian lost another tooth last night (the one that's always moving in a different direction - it's been loose for quite a while). He put a pillow near his face, getting ready to throw it at Daddy. His tooth hit the pillow & fell out! Like the last tooth, it was never to be found. The last one is in the backyard somewhere. Also like the last tooth, he was doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing when it came out. He was jumping off of the picnic table after just being told not to when he lost the last tooth. Sebastian's 2 front teeth are now spaces (as well as laying around here somewhere). He looks so cute!!

    Judah meds.
    • DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
    • Probiotic 1 daily in morning
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS  just 1
    • Miralax 1-2 times day - 1 times
    • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day 
    • his b-12/folinic shot
    • WP Minerals 1/day
    • Beta TCP 1-4 daily - 1 times
    • Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morning
    • Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day  - 1 tsp
    Meds not complete
     Meds didn't take
    • Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
    • skin rash med x 2
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS  missed 1
    • Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
    • Iron up 1 tsp/day
    • Fish Oil 
    • Miralax 1-2 times day
    • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day
    Meds we don't have
  • Sleep factor
  • Creon (pancrilipase

  • Thursday, June 26, 2014

    Driveway Art

    The lady working with Judah seems to be pretty much right at home here, which is great. Willow freaked out when T arrived this morning - she just wasn't expecting her. But shortly after T was doing Willow's hair & her doggy's! Before T left today I asked her if Willow had said her name yet. She hadn't. I asked Willow to say T's name, speaking it very slowly & clearly to her. She looked like she was coming up with the best response, as if we were playing a game. She finally made a sound, moving her tongue side to side in her mouth. I asked her to say T's name again and she did the same thing, ha! T & I were laughing pretty hard. She said that just made her day.

    I went to the doc this afternoon. She thinks the best thing to do, given my debilitating migraines & some other factors, is to see a neurologist. She gave me some samples of migraine meds to use until my neurologist appointment. I was also given a paper of exercises to do to help my back.

    I arrived home from my appointment to find Judah & T decorating the driveway with sidewalk chalk and Sebastian circling the yard on his bike. T & Judah had drawn a big train track on the driveway. Later I was in the garage with Judah & I asked him if he had been writing on the driveway. He looked at their driveway art and told me, "train track!" Then he took me to the tracks & we ran them, ending up at the garage because of the downward slope at the end of the line.

    Judah is still clinging to me like crazy when T is here. It's been a real challenge trying to get him to separate from me, which means he also isn't getting as much one-on-one time with T as he could be. I would like to have the time to catch up on housework, and to play & work with Sebastian & Willow! It's a slow start for sure. Right now it feels like family, hanging out & having fun.

    Scott came home while I went to the doctor. This gave him a chance to work with T for his first time.

    Judah has been dancing & happy pretty much the entire day. It was really hard to get him to bed tonight! I think all of the kids had a really good day.

    Judah had one bm -

    Judah meds.
    • Probiotic 1 daily in morning
    • DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
    • Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day  - 1 tsp
    • Miralax 1-2 times day - 2 times
    • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day - 2 times today 
    • his b-12/folinic shot
    • WP Minerals 1/day
    • Beta TCP 1-4 daily - 1 times
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS  took 1
    • Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morning
    • skin rash med x 2
    Meds not complete
     Meds didn't take
    • Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
    • Iron up 1 tsp/day
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS  missed 1
    • Fish Oil 
    • Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
    Meds we don't have
  • Sleep factor
  • Creon (pancrilipase
  • Lazy day with Dad

    Today Molly's back hurt really bad so I came home after lunch and watched the kids while she rested in bed. We think she hurt her back from sleeping in an odd position, probably from kids being in the bed with us.

    The kids for most of the afternoon were pretty calm. Judah and Sebastian built a track around the couch while Willow was watching Sofia the First. Everyone eventually went outside and played on the swing set and then the sand box. As I'm sure everyone can guess, sand went everywhere. All three kids got baths and several shampoo washes, which they all hated.

    The rest of the evening seemed to go by quickly. Judah had his massage and went right to sleep. Sebastian seemed to behave better than the last few nights and also got a massage and then went right to bed.

    Judah meds.
    • Probiotic 1 daily in morning
    • DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
    • Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day  - 1 tsp
    • Miralax 1-2 times day - 1 times
    • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day
    • his b-12/folinic shot
    • WP Minerals 1/day
    • Beta TCP 1-4 daily - 1 times
    • Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS  took 1
    • skin rash med x 2
    Meds not complete
     Meds didn't take
    • Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
    • Iron up 1 tsp/day
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS  missed 1
    • Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morning
    • Fish Oil 
    Meds we don't have
  • Sleep factor
  • Creon (pancrilipase

  • Tuesday, June 24, 2014

    The Best Way To Water The Garden

    Judah looked into his almost empty bowl of baby food & said, "Mommy! Pig!" He was showing me that what was left of his food was in the shape of a pig! He thought that was great. Then he showed me his ouchie. I showed him mine as well. Mine was pretty gross though. He saw mine & said, "Ouchie.." and as I'm walking away I hear him say to himself, "Yuck." hahaa. I turned around to look at him. He saw me & smiled, realizing that I had just heard him. ;)

    Sebastian watered the garden in the early evening. Sebastian can't do things like most people though, he has to spice them up, get creative & have fun! He doesn't care what other people think & kids ALWAYS enjoy partaking in his creative devices & ideas. We got the sprinkler set up in the garden. He decided he wanted to sit & watch it (and get showered). He said he would need something for shelter - I gave him an umbrella. So he sat beside the garden in his camping chair, that we've never actually used for camping, with a big black umbrella covering him. That didn't last long. Soon the umbrella was upside-down and being used to catch water falling from above. Judah & Willow soon joined in - they were very curious as to why I kept going outside. They were barefoot. Willow had on a shirt & a diaper. Later she put on her Dora helmet because Sebastian had his bike helmet on. He was on his bike riding through the falling water & puddles of mud at that point. And Judah was relaxing in the camping chair, all you could see were his legs. The umbrella covered the rest of him and most of the chair. Willow laid on her back in the grass, being showered by the sprinkler & giggling.

    Baths immediately followed. Judah had a meltdown in the bathroom - he wanted to play trains, not take a bath! Willow & Sebastian wouldn't exit the bathroom & were being really loud. I think I had a nervous breakdown.

    Judah's language & awareness was off the charts today! We didn't do his shot last night. I wonder sometimes how much effect B-12 has on his progression. But it's likely helping with physical aspects - and if you feel better you do better. If your body is working better, you are functioning better.

    Judah did very well at speech- repeating most of what Melinda said. They did associations - cat goes with milk, tree goes with grass, etc. First she asked him to match each one with it's associated item. They went through them one by one. He knew none of them. Then she showed him. After they had gone through all of the pictures probably twice, he was able to match nearly all of them on his own!! Some of these were associations that Sebastian wouldn't even know. I'm sure much of it was memory for him, rather than actually processing how they went together. But who knows!!!

    I was completely taken back when he started repeating words she said CLEARLY. There were 3 or 4 in a row, words he never says.. he repeated them, enunciating extremely well, one after the other. It was so weird!! It was also a moment of me inhaling every molecule of air in the room as my jaw dropped to the floor. I wanted to start video taping , but the whole session had been pretty interrupted. Judah had wanted me in the room from the beginning. Willow was soon sitting at the table with him, quietly playing with the therapy toys & showing them to her doggy. She would gaze at Judah & Melinda often, in awe of what was happening, since we never get to watch his therapy (we always listen from the waiting area). Sebastian sat at the doorway with me. We colored. So I was trying to be as quiet & as invisible as possible, but present enough for Judah to feel confident that I was there, lessening the number of times he would turn around & check. Video taping his amazing progress was definitely not an option - he hates being taped or photographed. Through some of it Melinda sat behind him & held onto him - this was when Judah wanted to keep looking at me or come to me. I was starting to get uncomfortable with that. Nearing the end I sat at the table with them. Judah smiled & went right to work. Obviously I should have done that from the get-go, I was just apprehensive about what Melinda would think/do & what Sebastian would do. He refused to leave my side.

    Sebastian & I looked at the Starry Night painting in my bedroom tonight. I told him some about Vincent Van Gogh. He mixed in some of those ideas with things in his life. He told me that he always wanted his own world. It would be all kids. But there would be 10 year olds, because they could run the stores. And there would be kids as big as me that could have babies, but he would kill the babies when they were born. Then the babies would take the Mommy's place when the Mommy died. ?!? I wonder if any of that is associated with how he treats Willow sometimes, just picking on her so much & blaming everything on her.

    I swear I didn't sit down & relax until Scott got home today. Unfortunately this isn't rare. We have got to find another person to hire "for Judah".. & for Mommy's sanity & a better life for all of us, but of course Judah would get the help he needs as well.

    When we got home from speech & errands we stopped at the house. Sebastian ran in, went pee & came back out to get his bike. The rest of us waited in the van. He took off for the mailbox. I drove after him, close enough to be racing, but far enough away for him to win. He checked the mail. Usually he runs home & I race him driving the van. Today he rode to the end of the street. I followed. Then we raced home. Oh my goodness he can ride fast!!!

    I taught Judah the difference between an ambulance & a fire truck. An ambulance raced by & he said, "fire truck!" I told him repeatedly, "ambulance". He tried to say ambulance a few times. When we went by the fire station I told him, "Those are fire trucks Judah!" He looked at them & smiled.

    Judah meds.
    • Probiotic 1 daily in morning
    • DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
    • Miralax 1-2 times day - 2 times
    • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day
    • his b-12/folinic shot
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • WP Minerals 1/day
    • Fish Oil 
    • Beta TCP 1-4 daily - 2 times
    • Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
    Meds not complete
  • Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morning
  • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS 2/day - 1 1/2

    Meds didn't take
    • Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
    • Iron up 1 tsp/day
    • Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day  - 1 tsp
    Meds we don't have
  • Sleep factor
  • Creon (pancrilipase


    Monday, June 23, 2014

    Chasing Bees At The Park

    "The problem is that soggy cereal. I think some of it landed on my heart."
    Sebastian has had tummy aches off & on all day today. He started the day with a bowl full of Rice Chex crumbles. He happily accepted the bottom of the cereal bag as his breakfast. A few bites in & he wasn't feeling so hot. He's convinced it was the soggy cereal that landed on his heart.

    Scott laid a towel on Sebastian's bed for him to sleep on top of. He handed him a bowl to keep beside him as well. Then he told him, "Try and make it to the bucket. Goodnight." and left the room.

    Sebastian had his Nicolas play date today. They had a lot in common. They both like to pick up random nature (leaves, flowers, etc.) and take them home to keep. They are both fast runners & born just a couple weeks apart (Nic is the older). They made a really pretty pretend fire (pic below) & picked some gorgeous flowers in the park (totally not supposed to do that, haha).

    Gramma brought food for all to the play date. Willow stole my Diet 7-up, half full, and finished it off. She enjoyed rolling around in the bark dust & swinging while Gramma pushed her.
    Judah followed the other 2 boys a lot, racing after them with no chance at all of catching up. He repeated probably half of what they said as well as talking on his own. They all played well together. Judah interacted with them very calmly. He would involve himself whenever possible if he was with them. And they were totally just kids having fun. I was basically hanging out with them just to make sure Judah didn't follow them off a cliff or something - Nic & Bash were like rockets flying through the park!

    Every time Judah saw a chipmunk at the park he would say, "Bee!" and usually chase after it. He spotted them quick too! He pointed out trees & said "tree". The trees really intrigued him because they were so big & tall. He stood, looking straight up to see how big the tree was, with his mouth wide open & his balance coming & going. 
    Judah told Gramma, "Wait!!" as she was walking away from him. He was also not feeling so great (holding in what needed to come out!), but he pressed on, playing as hard as he could. He did poop the minute we got home - racing to get through the door to his pooping grounds, the play room.
    Judah, Willow & I walked down one of the paved roads that runs through the park, searching for Gramma. Willow & Judah got pretty far ahead of me. When I told Judah two different times to change direction because Gramma was not the way he was going, he went the direction I asked him to & understood that we were heading towards Gramma. An older man walking his dog was headed in our direction while I  was yelling for them to wait up. He snapped at them as he was walking by, "Listen to your mom! You need to stop!" Judah just kept strolling along - he didn't even seem to notice. When the guy walked passed me he said, "They just don't pay attention! They don't listen!" I told him, "They like to run!" and laughed.
    We saw lots of people with dogs while we walked that path. Willow approached two of the dogs. She didn't pet either when the owners offered to let her. She just got really close to them. She acted like she was going to kiss one of the dogs on the mouth, but she didn't follow through. Judah watched as baby sister put her face closer & closer to the dog's mouth. He was getting nervous. Finally he pulled her arm towards him and said, "Baby!!" That's what he calls her. He wanted to get her away from the dog!
    I played one-on-one with Judah at the park a lot. When we were climbing a hill he suddenly stopped. Then he started to walk backwards, smiling and saying, "Wooaaah!" That was pretty fun. He did some other creative things like that while we were there. While we were eating, he was sucking down a juice box. The juice ran out, so he flipped his straw over, stuck the opposite side in (which was an "L" shape) and was instantly able to get more juice. Smart. He requested juice later - and helped me dig through all of Gramma's coolers. He rolled his piece of chicken into a ball and said, "Ball! Catch!" Gramma held out a bag for him to throw it away in, right as he was about to take a bite of his ball, haha. He decided to throw it away instead. He's just started doing the, "Catch!" followed by throwing something at me, always at me. I was just waiting for the chicken ball to fly across the table, aimed directly at me. He did spit water out of his mouth directly at me later though. Of course he waited to do this until I was right in front of him.
    Judah said "Park!" very clearly when Daddy asked him about the park tonight. He came up to me and told me "shoes", wanting me to help him take his shoes off. I did a very minimal amount and he did the rest. I was getting his dinner ready, trying to sneak some vitamins into his food. He came up & stood next to me, so I had to move on to doing something else. (He's becoming increasingly suspicious about his foods & smoothies, studying them a bit before he eats/drinks them.) He patiently waited for his food & then he finally just grabbed his bowl off of the counter. He looked up at me very sweetly and said, "Thank you." He seemed unsure if he should be doing this.. so he hesitated a minute and then said, "Bye." and walked away, haha.
    I went to the eye doctor today. The doctor is going to dilute the eye drops I tried months ago. Those eye drops were a disaster! He was pretty clear that I wasn't going to try them again - especially after the crying. I had called their office numerous times over the past 6 months, sharing with them the terrifying experience I had gone through due to using their eye drops. I had been hoping for an answer to this problem - there had to be something else I could try, something else that would help! I was told every time I called that I just needed to try the eye drops again & that there was no other option. I finally just decided to make an appointment & talk to the doctor who did my Lasik, face to face, which was today. And miraculously some headway was made, I hope! Suddenly another option appeared - when supposedly he was the one who had been informing staff to tell me there was "no other option"! I need to be able to drive in the dark! The lights glare out at me like spotlights. Supposedly after you use these drops for a while your night vision can become good on it's own, but there's no guarantee of course.
    I think I may have captured a fun picture of the kids playing on the couch tonight - with all of them smiling & looking at the camera.  ?!?! Sebastian always jumps off the arm of the couch, diving straight into the couch. Tonight Willow followed his lead. She had never done this before! Judah has done it before - he fell backwards off the couch doing it one time tonight! Then got right back up to jump off again!


    Judah went to the dentist. Scott had to basically restrain him (that's why he went in, not me). The dentist says Judah's chipped tooth is fine. He says there is no need to mess with it unless it becomes painful or anything along those lines. It's a baby tooth.. it will fall out eventually anyway. He did offer us the option of a crown to make Judah's tooth appear less chipped. Which was basically offering us an opportunity to throw a good chunk of money to the wind. No thanks. Besides, with our luck Judah would lose that lovely crowned tooth in under a week.

    I asked Judah what he wanted to watch on television and surprisingly he said "Nemo!!" He's never requested that. We recently recorded it on DVR. He really enjoyed watching it today! We had been talking about that movie at the picnic table while eating lunch today. Judah was there - not conversing - but perhaps taking it in?
    I told Judah he could use my phone but had forgotten I had promised Sebastian a turn. Judah waited patiently for his turn while I put away dishes. Sebastian came in & asked for the phone - I gave it to him. Judah had clearly understood all of this. He approached Sebastian & tried to get the phone & looked at me like, "What is going on?" I gave Judah my laptop to use, which seemed to fix the situation. But it was just a solid reminder that he is completely aware & listening at all times (just like Bash & Willow). The Nemo thing was another event that pushed that reminder into my brain as well!

    Bash was up at 630 this morning. I know this because I was sleeping on the couch with Willow. I opened my eyes to see this tall kid climbing into our broken lazy-boy with our TV remote in hand. My first thought was honestly, "Who is this guy??" My kids are growing up overnight! Look at these photos!!
    Sebastian was very good this evening. Obviously this was because he didn't feel good, but perhaps he will remember that tonight was much more enjoyable than the crazy nights? We can hope. Daddy brushed his teeth for him tonight. Apparently Daddy only gave his teeth one round of brushing. Sebastian told him, "Mommy says you have to do it 3 times." hahaa. Then Sebastian came to see me & said, "Daddy only brushed my teeth one time, not three. I feel like my teeth aren't very clean." He was very calm & just basically informing me. Then he was off to bed. We typically don't brush his teeth but he was really feeling bad tonight.

    Judah was singing the theme to Thomas the Train as it played on my laptop. He hit quite a few words right on & definitely kept up with the song. I've heard him say many lines from television right on the mark as they say it (shows he has seen before). He says these words & phrases pretty clearly too!

    b-12 shot NOT given
     b-6 given
    Creon (pancrilipase)

    Sunday, June 22, 2014

    Time with Dad!

    Today I kept the kids all day while Molly was in bed with a migraine. We had a lazy day. The kids were in their pjs half the day and we had waffles for lunch! Sebastian was very good in the morning. He played a lot with Judah and Willow. He tried to teach Willow how to play Connect 4 but I think she just liked putting the checker into the slots. He also played a lot of trains with Judah, setting up the track and letting him drive his new trains all up and down the long bridge he built. Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun

    After breakfast we went to Bush park. Sebastian rode his bike while Judah and Willow ran behind him. Judah now tries to keep up with Sebastian when we are at the park. He always runs behind him chasing him down. He has changed a lot in the last few months where he will follow my directions if I ask him to stop or come here. Today's challenge was Willow. She did not want to be at the park at all. She didn't want to walk, or have me carry her. She liked swinging but that was about it.

    When we got home everyone ate ice cream and then as the evening went on Sebastian started to get out of control. He got several punishments but the worst come after he hit me in the chest. I was going to take him to see the movie Maleficent but now he will have to wait until it comes out on DVD. I then explained to him that we don't hit people, hopefully it went through. He says he does a lot of things because he is trying to be funny. Maybe we can try to focus on other things that are actually funny.

    Molly here-
    Thanks Scott for taking over the blog tonight - that means so much to me!!!

    I just wanted to add some things that happened today. I was in bed. Judah & Sebastian came clanging into the room. Judah came over to my side of the bed and said, "Mommy! How are you!" Then he climbed up on the bed & sat beside me. He picked his nose, pulled out his finger and put it near my face. I started scooting away from him, giving him a disgusted look. He continued moving his finger towards my face. He said, "Mmmm bookah.. bite! Mmmm.. chew!" Where did he learn "booger"?? We really don't use that word here. Then he went to the foot of the bed and made his way under the blanket.. popping his head out at the top right next to me! He had a big smile on his face. I told him I didn't feel good. He kissed my nose. I told him my head had an ouch. He kissed my head. He laid his head down and kissed my arm. So sweet.

    Willow laid down beside me & I put her to sleep. I asked her if she went to the park. I was excited to hear about it and she could tell. She kept telling me about about the swing. She told me Sebastian pushed her on the swing. I asked her if there were squirrels (there usually are). Then she spun her finger around in the air, showing me how the squirrels ran up the trees. I asked her if she crossed the bridge and she told me yes.

    Around dinner time I texted Scott and told him I would try to help with Sebastian. I could hear Sebastian & Scott clearly from the bedroom, things hadn't sounded good for much too long. I talked to Sebastian, telling him we could go in the garage & talk. I was going to talk with him about using his inside voice & have him draw pictures of things that upset him. I had a few different ideas on things we could do peacefully in the garage. But then I laid my head back down on my pillow & felt very much like I was going to vomit. Plans cancelled. Back to bed.

    Judah meds.
    • Probiotic 1 daily in morning
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
    • DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS 2/day
    • Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morningli>
    • Creon (pancrilipase) - did we have any this day?
    • Miralax 1-2 times day x 1
    • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day
    • Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
    • Beta TCP 1-4 daily  - did we have yogurt??
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • WP Minerals 1/day
    Meds didn't take
    • Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
    • Iron up 1 tsp/day -
    • Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day ???
    • Sleep factor
    • Fish Oil 
    • his b-12/folinic shot

    Saturday, June 21, 2014

    Falling Down An Escalator

    This morning I took Judah to music therapy. At first he did well, talking and repeating. But it wasn't long before he was a bit more into playing & having us help him do the movements instead of doing them himself. He was infatuated with the full length mirror Angie had left near the session area completely unintentionally. He would stick out his tongue & inspect it. He lifted his bangs so he could study his forehead. He squinted his eyes. Later he crawled behind the mirror, almost as if he was looking for the little boy he had seen in the mirror?

    When she read the "Peanut Butter Jelly" book to him, he was sort of interested. But once she put it down he showed much more genuine interest in it, picking it up & carefully looking through the pictures.

    She put out the Hapi Drum and said, "Maybe you'll play it & maybe you won't." She follows his lead a lot - which is really good. She picked up her guitar & started playing. Judah immediately unzipped the drum case, got out the Hapi Drum and started playing it! Like the book, his interest was really there when it wasn't expected to be, when he wasn't being instructed to do it. She's never done that before - set something in front of him and then just moved away to play music.

    He turned the Hapi Drum upside-down (as he always does), put the mantle he was holding in the big hole on the bottom of the drum & pretended to stir. Angie said pretty much every child she has with his diagnosis does the same thing. She said, "It doesn't even surprise me anymore."  When you play the actual drum itself, as you are "supposed to", it makes a beautiful, almost mystifying sound. You would think that the sound would be the most intriguing part about this instrument, but not to everyone.

    Judah strummed Angie's guitar (as she held it) really well today! She always has him play that. He also played some pretty music on the piano with her. It was really neat!!

    While I was paying her she pulled Judah into her lap & got our her emerald green ukulele. Man that thing was gorgeous. She held it in front of him as they sat directly in front of the mirror. He played it a bit (until I tried to sneak in a picture). Again, he was interested in the ukulele because it was not expected.. his session was over & now they were just hanging out.

    After I saw him enjoying sitting in her lap and checking out the ukulele, it finally clicked in my brain that he hasn't been very responsive lately in his therapies (while progress is easily seen at home), because he doesn't want to do what is expected. He wants to be comfortable & do what he wants to do, which is obviously completely normal, especially for a 4 year old. But how do you create that experience when you are going to the same location, meeting with the same person, at the same time every week? Teaching a kid through what they enjoy is important - his therapists do that, but his therapy is also very scheduled & somewhat repetitive (which doesn't always work well for Judah). I immediately told Angie the epiphany that had just happened in my head. Her thought was that maybe she could direct/instruct him less & sort of ignore him.

    So now we are driving to Portland, which takes 1 1/2 hours minimum roundtrip, once a week for a 30 minute session, paying someone to ignore our son. And we are completely on board with it. Try to comprehend that one.

    When we left for therapy Judah told everyone, "Bye! Bye Daddy! Bye Baby!" Right before we left he had picked out the Sophia DVD as I was going through the DVDs with him. Willow had been begging to watch Sophia all morning. He found Sophia and brought it to the DVD player!

    After I gave Judah his milk in the van he got out of his seat and said, "Thank you Mommy." (Willow does this too, I love it!!)

    Judah is the only one who currently calls me Mommy. I think Willow is officially on Molly. Tonight I heard her tell Gramma, "I want my Molly!" ha.

    The kids were with Gramma & Papa today. Sebastian & Willow picked strawberries with them this morning. They brought home twice what we typically buy in the store every week! Dave said there is a lot of picking to be done where they went. I'm thinking we need to go pick some blueberries & peaches! Apparently it's not too hard on the wallet either.

    After music therapy I took Judah across a few Portland bridges & we had a nice drive through downtown (okay I was completely lost). We made it to the mall where I had planned on exchanging my boots. I will copy & paste what I wrote on my Facebook about this experience here:

    Bucket list.. #8. Experiencing what it feels like to fall down an escalator in a Portland mall on a Saturday afternoon. CHECK.
    My 4 yr old loves escalators! He was really upset when we had to walk by an escalator at the mall today instead of getting on it. (This meltdown was pretty short - he understood we were moving on to another one after I told him) We finally got to the escalator we needed, I saw him hesitate to get on but I wasn't worried about it because he LOVES escalators! I got on, holding his hand & a big open box with boots in it that I was there to exchange. "Mommy!!! Wait!!! Nooooo!!" I turned around to see him still at the very top of the escalator, he hadn't gotten on!! He fell & rolled towards me.. I was still holding his hand, so I fell.. and rolled down a few steps. He cut his arm & currently has a big black mark by his eye where he hit his head on the black rubber railing. I had on a silky, flowing skirt that came so close to getting caught in between the steps. OMG.
    The guy riding behind us (who obviously didn't know how to talk to children) was telling Judah (as he fell) "You're okay man, you're okay. Man.. you're alright.".. sounding just like Cheech, from Cheech & Chong.
    When we were leaving the shoe store, I asked the lady working there where the elevator was. She had no clue. She said, "I don't know, but there's an escalator right over there!" I said, "We just fell down that escalator... where are the stairs.." She looked so confused, lol.

    Judah is very much aware, very much with us & verbalizing in a way that confirms that. Today I could say, "Judah.." and then tell him to look at something, etc. And he would! When he wanted to tell me something he would say, "Mommy.." and then say what he needed to (sometimes I understood and sometimes I didn't). When he was done with his bowl he handed it to me and said, "Here you go Mommy." When I unstrapped him from his car seat he said, "There ya go!" haha. He is saying "Good job!" when others do things correctly - I love that one! He is saying "You're welcome." when appropriate as well as "Sorry." His level of physical affection was still pretty high today - which I don't mind at all. ;)

    I just found out my friend got her son enrolled in Victory (a private autism school here). Tuition is roughly 2 grand a month. I emailed her as soon as I found out.. how in the heck did she do that?? Our boys are just months apart in age, with many similarities in challenges. Perhaps we didn't seek out all of the venues we should have when we were looking at private schools for Judah?

    Judah meds.
    • Probiotic 1 daily in morning
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
    • DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS 2/day
    • Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morningli>
    • Miralax 1-2 times day
    • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day
    • Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
    • his b-12/folinic shot
    • Beta TCP 1-4 daily
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • WP Minerals 1/day
    Meds didn't take
    • Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
    • Iron up 1 tsp/day
    • Arctic Cod Liver Oil 1 teaspoon
    • Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day
    Meds we don't have (add this category)
    • Sleep factor


    Friday, June 20, 2014

    A Flood of Milk & Toilet Water

    "Wait for me!! Wait for me!!" Judah screamed as he tried to catch up.

    Rosie came for the massage. While we waited on Scott to get here, conversation sparked between Rosie & Talana. They had a lot in common! It sounded like they traveled in the same circles. T's instructor wrote a paper on QiGong apparently. I'd like to read that.

    This morning the kids, T & I all walked/ran/rode (sebash), up and down the street. Willow was so tired by 1pm - not sure if it was the new morning exercise or her sick bugs still lingering.

    We had lunch outside - Sebastian's idea. The lawn guys came when we were almost done. He told me many times that he would wait until next week to do the backyard (where we were). I told him many times that we could just go inside! Pixie wasn't helping any. He wasn't scared of her, but she was sure protecting us! Anyway, lawn guy won. He isn't doing it until next week.

    T wants to smash the "go hit little sister" behavior that happens when Judah is upset. Plan A is for her to take him outside to play when she arrives. There is no Plan B yet.

    The kids were completely comfortable with T today. Judah was upset when she tried to teach him not to do certain things (hitting, driving trains off the table). "Judah has gentle hands!" That probably freaked him out since he never hears that here & there probably wouldn't be much reason for them to be saying it at school. He still gave T hugs & played with her, etc. It was pretty apparent that he was upset mainly about things changing - and in a way that meant he had to work!!

    Judah gave Rosemary (massage trainer) snuggles (this is new) & said in his high-pitched, tiny voice "Bye! Bye!" when she was getting ready to leave.

    Unfortunately Judah clung to me like an extra appendage most of the day.

    Cooper & Trent came around today. I explained to T that Sebastian wasn't allowed to play with them & told her why. As I'm telling her this we are gazing down the street at Cooper & Trent running around in the street. There was a dog with them. The dog sits down & rolls over (obviously wanting to be petted) & Cooper begins hitting the dog, many times. Eventually they made their way to our house, asking to play, asking to take Sebastian's skateboard and ride down the street, not leaving the garage when I repeatedly told them I needed to close it. I told them "no" to their questions. Sebastian listing off ideas on how he would be able to play with them in the future wasn't helping any though, mainly just confusing them I think. Sebastian bragged to them that he has gotten to go into the street recently - I think he was looking for them to accept him.

    Anyway, I told them  that Sebastian needed to go inside. Sebastian asked if he could play with them now (since they were at our house) and I said "No. You aren't allowed to." Cooper & Trent looked at me as if they were going to say, "How dumb. We didn't do anything! You're stupid." But they didn't say a word - until I went inside. That's when they told Sebastian that they never want to play with him again because he asks his mom about everything. Sebastian came inside, looking sad but holding it together - telling me his ideas on how he could make them like him again. Oh my god I want to throw those boys down the street into a brick wall!!!

    After Sebastian came inside, I told him that those boys weren't nice kids & that he deserved nice friends, not kids that were mean to him. Eventually we were able to get off that subject - then  he moved on to talking about the girls down the street that he had seen painting the fence today. He said he knew them & asked if he could play with them. I told him that it would be fine as long as they were nice to him. I told him that they had to want to play with him though - I should have said we can ask them & see if they want to play. ?!??! Okay, NOW you can call me dumb & stupid.

    We'll see what happens with the neighbor girls. I will email some of his friend's parents about play dates as well (those birthday invites will sure come in handy!). I told him that a parent of one of his friend's had emailed yesterday about the party, also saying they wanted to do play dates over the summer. Mom is also going to take him on a play date with a kid his age that she has connections to, lol.

    Judah progress - verbally good & even behavior wise I saw a tiny bit of improvement (due to T). And oh so playful today!

    I picked up a Cars play rug for 3 bucks today. I handed it to Judah since he was basically crying out to see it. Willow got a hold of the other end of the rug & they tugged back and forth on it, reaching towards one another, trying to hit each other, nearly the entire way home. I was finally able to get it  from them. A map of Radiator Springs is featured on the rug - with lots of roads to drive cars on & all of the original Cars characters hanging out somewhere in town.

    Sebastian was upset tonight when I sent him straight to bed after taunting Willow, telling her she wasn't supposed to do things, teasing her, etc. During the day he had blamed her for many things that had happened (none of which she had done of course). I talked to him about it every single time it happened, which obviously did nothing. But tonight I sent him right to bed after he started pulling her hair while she was trying to go to sleep. This was followed by getting in her face and telling her that he was going to get a knife and cut the little baby into pieces (Willow being the baby). Thank god she didn't comprehend that. Immediately to bed. After that, he was surprised & upset that he couldn't get his massage. I don't know where the horrid comment came from. He was messing around & being somewhat obnoxious, but then that comment flew in out of nowhere. I was extremely shocked.

    This morning a gallon of milk was spilled on the counter. I had it in a pitcher because it had been leaking from the jug it originally came in. Sebastian tried to pour it from the pitcher and the lid fell off, washing away into an ocean of cold milk. An hour or so later the bathroom flooded. The toilet was stopped up. Sebastian flushed it twice & then started plunging.. ??! We have told them repeatedly that they are not allowed to do that. He screamed & T found him.. I heard her saying, "Oh my goodness.. " And then I was on my knees mopping up lakes of toilet water with old towels. I had just swept and mopped that bathroom (at 2 in the morning) the night before last when the kids were puking!!

    So, eventful morning, lots of people here today, awesome Judah progress rides on. Scott couldn't work from home. The kids all had lots of fun with T.

    Judah meds.
    • Probiotic 1 daily in morning
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
    • DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS 2/day
    • Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morningli>
    • Creon (pancrilipase)
    • Miralax 1-2 times day
    • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day
    • Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
    • Arctic Cod Liver Oil 1 teaspoon
    • Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day
    • his b-12/folinic shot
    • Beta TCP 1-4 daily
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • WP Minerals 1/day
    • Fish Oil 
    Meds didn't take
    • Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
    • Iron up 1 tsp/day
    • Sleep factor

    Thursday, June 19, 2014

    How Did He Know??

    Willow & Judah had to get in a couple more episodes of stressful chaos before the new day began last night. At a quarter to midnight, Willow woke up sick. Within the next 15 minutes, Judah woke up sick. They both had the same smelling vomit. I have no idea what they ate yesterday. Willow's bed was covered, poor girl was swimming in the middle of it. Judah was able to make it to the bathroom in time, but I couldn't get him facing the direction he needed to be.. instead he was facing me, so that was awesome. They were fine all day today. They woke up with temps & were sluggish, but eventually they shook it off & had a pretty decent day. Willow was still tired throughout the day, laying on the floor. She crashed out early.

    Sebastian spent time with Gramma today. They finished up his nature poster.

    Another hot day. Sebastian's mailbox card today was S for spread. I picked shaving cream art as an activity where he could do lots of spreading. I was hoping to do this outside - but the heat & bright sunlight was too much. It ended up being a garage activity. Willow & Bash really enjoyed it. Sebastian had blue goop all over his body. There was lots of washing off during & after that event. We probably went through 7 large rags while we were painting!

    Scott took Sebastian & Willow with him to drop off our gigantic bedroom TV. Someone actually wanted to buy that thing! Of course, it was dirt cheap. I really didn't think anyone would buy it though. After all, you won't find one single television under 30 inches on the market that is impossible to lift. My bedroom may have been the last place left to come for that. ;) Not to mention the flat screens & HD that TVs have now!. Do TVs even come without a flat screen anymore?? I wouldn't know, I live with Scott. I've had that TV for probably 10 years - an old landlord left it for me when I moved into one of his townhouses, which was nice because I had no TV at the time. I used it for years. It was usually hooked up to a DVD player as a means to listen to my Cd's. Goodbye old friend, I'm glad you never landed on my foot.

    Judah had a crazy, incredible day. This morning he turned around from his seat at the kitchen table and said, "Mommy! Catch!" Then he threw a Rice Chex at me! He also threw a handful of rocks at me today (at my face!), which was not so awesome. I was about a foot away from him!

    He was basically talking with his siblings for the most part today. Every once in a while I would look over at Sebastian with my, "Holy crap!" face on. For some reason Sebastian didn't seem to be that shocked about his brother answering his questions, it was as if this had been happening all along. ?!?

    Judah kept a dry diaper all day long! I forgot to put him in underwear.

    Judah jumped up from the table while he was in the middle of eating his lunch. He went to the hallway closet, opened the door & pointed to the top shelf. I asked him if he wanted a blanket or the dog toy.. I didn't what the heck he would want from up there. Then I spotted the yoga mat & pulled it out. He smiled & grabbed it. He wanted a massage in the middle of his lunch! ha. He has NEVER requested a massage before! When he knows it's massage time he will follow you around, waiting for his massage. But this was nowhere near massage time! Rosemary comes after lunch time - she used to come twice a week & is now once a week. I wonder if he was missing her? I don't think so though, he's been very physically affectionate today. As soon as I laid out the mat he jumped onto it, landing tummy down, ready to start his massage. He was even humming during parts (which meant he was enjoying it). He hummed when I had my face pressed up against his.

    I told Sebastian to stop throwing pillows at Judah & Judah came up and gave me a kiss, ha. He's given me lots of kisses today. He's actually been doing the "thank you" kiss for years.

    Judah also said, "Mommy, come on!" when he wanted me to go in the house. He said something like, "Mommy let me have it!" when I had something he wanted & I wouldn't give it to him. It was strange. All of a sudden he was vocalizing things that I know he has been trying to for years. And it all came so naturally. He didn't show an ounce of surprise or excitement about it. It was as if he had been doing this all along.

    The strangest thing - When Scott, Willow & Sebastian left to drop off the TV, I stayed at the house with Judah, so he could do his painting. The other 2 had already done theirs. Willow was very involved in Sebastian's painting experience, in an uninvited sort of way. I thought it would be best if Judah had some space away from others for this. Knowing him, he wasn't going to partake in this event if the other 2 were trying to help. He enjoyed the shaving cream (step one). The second step, 4 minutes later, was the paint. Suddenly his interest was completely gone, vanished! I kept painting, hoping he would become curious & return, but no such luck. He just wanted to go in. He stood at the door & waited for me, showed me that he couldn't turn the knob, tried to pull me away & was even verbalizing that he wanted to go in.

    So we went in. He went straight to my bedroom door & stopped, as if he was hesitant to enter. I told him to go in & I followed. He looked around the room (which had just been jumbled around due to the TV leaving - we had to make a gigantic pathway). He spotted a box underneath a pile of clothes & a stack of folders. He pointed at it. I got it out & he started to open it. This box was not labeled - it looked like any other cardboard box. This box contained the last 2 brand new trains that Meemaw & Granddad had sent. We had been giving them to the kids slowly, as rewards mostly. We had kept the box hidden. I have NO IDEA how he knew. He opened it up and grabbed his trains, with a big smile & bright eyes. He had waited for everyone to leave, played with me for 5 minutes & then he knew it was time to get those trains! hahaaa. Seriously! I really do think this was planned! We've had those trains for days.. he's just been waiting for the moment he could get to them! He got to play with them without siblings around for a while - which I'm sure he relished in.

    Judah was playing on the couch with one of his new trains. I said "Train track?" and took one of the new trains to the playroom to play on the track. He looked up, "Train track??" and ran to follow me, haha.

    Sebastian spotted the brand new, shiny trains when they returned home. He thought the story of Judah finding them was really funny.

    Sebastian convinced me to do his massage tonight. He said he doesn't feel relaxed after Daddy does it. After I did it tonight he said he still wasn't relaxed. He had an incredibly difficult time trying to stay somewhat still during the massage. I asked him very seriously, "Do you think you aren't able to stay still?" He didn't answer. I kept him distracted by having him count with me, that helped some.

    I gave Talana the day off. Well, sort of. Since the kiddos were sick & Bash was with Gramma, I told her that I was fine without help today. I didn't think the kids would do more than lay around. I was completely wrong about that! I really wish I wouldn't have told her she didn't need to come!! She will be here tomorrow.

    Judah meds.
    • Probiotic 1 daily in morning
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
    • DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS 2/day
    • Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morningli>
    • Creon (pancrilipase)
    • Miralax 1-2 times day
    • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day
    • Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
    • Arctic Cod Liver Oil 1 teaspoon
    • Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day
    • his b-12/folinic shot
    • Beta TCP 1-4 daily
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • WP Minerals 1/day
    Meds didn't take
    • Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
    • Iron up 1 tsp/day
    • Sleep factor
    • Fish Oil 

    Wednesday, June 18, 2014

    Warming Up

    Today was Talana day! She's a worker! She spent time with not only Judah, but ALL of the kids - getting to know each one. Sebastian was a bit nervous around her at first & stayed outside. I told him he could go play in the play room with T, Judah & Willow and he told me that he probably shouldn't be doing that. A while back I had explained to him that someone was going to come work with Judah & that he & Willow would need to let them have some time & space together. He's a rule follower! I assured him it was fine & he went to play with them.

    Poor Willow. T suggested she step out of the room because Judah kept hitting her. Willow seemed to take it the wrong way at first - as if she thought she was doing something wrong. If it were ME advising her to leave, she would have deliberately thrown something at Judah or hit him, she would have done the complete opposite of what I was asking & would have enjoyed every minute of it! So it was strange & a little sad, to see that reaction from her. She got over it in a millisecond though.

    Judah hit Willow many times today. He really wanted the solitude of phone & TV a lot today - but I was hardly allowing it at all. He got mad and ran to hit Willow many times today over this. At one point I told him he could use my phone & set it up for him. Then he got side-tracked & forgot he wanted to play on it! I looked down to realize he had never even taken it out of my hand, haha.

    I got some nice one-on-one time with Sebastian while Willow napped. Sebastian & I walked down the street & checked the mail. He was very excited when I let him cross the street on his bike & ride down the opposite side of the street. Riding in the street (even if it is just crossing the street) is a very big deal to him. After all, Trent & Cooper ride in the street.. of course they are older and of course they give him a hard time about it.

    We spent a lot of time outside. Garage repair guy came & fixed the garage door - it opens & closes like butter now, very smooth. ;) We did chalk art on the driveway, Judah ran in the yard a bit, Sebastian rode his bike a lot today, etc. But it was really HOT - I had the kids outside in spurts, I couldn't take it... because I'm from PHOENIX, haha. I guess I've outgrown the skill of living comfortably inside a fire pit.

    I need to set up a work area for Talana - she will be closed up in the laundry room! It was the only spot we could find that had most of what was needed, which was no distractions, a door that closed, space away from everyone that they wouldn't need to move through & room for a table & chairs.

    Judah progress was phenomenal today. Either myself or Sebastian told him to say something today.. like "Thank you. Let's go." It was two separate thoughts. Judah said them back in a different order! At times he will now say things that I ask him to say, but in a different way, using a different word, etc., This definitely makes it valid that he is processing, not just repeating, and most definitely using his language skills & creative thinking!

    T & I are going to try & come up with a solid day routine for everyone. She brought card stock to make the picture cards. I showed her the computer program I have. She said she is going to install that same program on her computer & print up some of the pictures tonight. We're starting with a very basic schedule, covering only a fraction of the day & using a minimal amount of pictures. Then of course we will expand over time. I'm excited!! A schedule has NEVER worked for us. This is definitely a fresh start though. We also went through the papers that Judah's school speech therapist had sent home. They were filled with ideas on ways to work with Judah. I may work on those tonight.

    Tomorrow the plan is to GET OUT. Sebash really wants to go to the park tomorrow, but he will be with Gramma when Talana is here. T told him we would go to the park tomorrow if he didn't get to go tonight - which he didn't. The rest of us will still go though. I may need to buy more sunscreen! haha

    By mid-day the kids were comfortable with Talana. Both Judah & Willow jumped up & down yelling, "Bye!!!" & waving as she left, haha. Sebastian, mister social, strangely enough, was the only one who had a bit of a challenge accepting her role I think. She bonded with him through teaching him about can labels he was cutting out for school. She knows Spanish- there was a little bonding there as well when she saw all of the Spanish homework posted on his walls. She also used to work at Buttercup! And he got an added bonus today of having one-on-one with Mom, which doesn't happen often enough - not intentionally, but it's just the way our life has ended up situated & needs to be changed. So overall, still a good day for him, different, but still really good.

    Bash was good for the most part this evening. He sprayed Daddy with air freshener as soon as Daddy walked through the door, home from work. He was kind of obnoxious while brushing his teeth & was loud for a while tonight. This all started when Scott arrived home, which was after 8, so Bash had little time to go crazy.  He laid quietly with Willow & I for a good chunk of time & did well with his massage (I think).

    T is back tomorrow - should be a fun day!!
    Judah meds.
    • Probiotic 1 daily in morning
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
    • DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS 2/day
    • Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morningli>
    • Creon (pancrilipase)
    • Miralax 1-2 times day
    • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day
    • Arctic Cod Liver Oil 1 teaspoon
    • Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day
    • his b-12/folinic shot
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day only 1/2 today
    • WP Minerals 1/day
    Meds didn't take
    • Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
    • Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
    • Iron up 1 tsp/day
    • Beta TCP 1-4 daily
    • Sleep factor
    • Fish Oil 

    Tuesday, June 17, 2014

    Covered In Goop!

    Short blog tonight - Talana is starting tomorrow & I think it would be best to have the house in a somewhat organized manner.                                                                                               

    Judah did really well today - lots of imitating & initiating play. He didn't play on  my phone or the computer all day long today. He never even asked to! That's pretty big! Those are really fun for him but they are also a time of solitude. He has pulled out of that isolated world so much. We really need to be conscious of doing things that will help him slip back into it. He was smiling & happy most of the day. He took a bath tonight. He did not want to get out. Then I said, "Do you want to get out and eat chicken?" and he said, "Okay!" and jumped out of the tub!

    We played some more of the Thomas the Train board game. Unfortunately a train is now missing and the board is torn into two pieces. I'll fix it later & the train will turn up. The game will go on. To us, things like this are about as trivial as someone sneezing in the middle of a crowded subway. It sucks for a minute, then you quickly forget about it.

    This morning I could not get to Judah fast enough after he had requested more Chex, which now sounds like "trash" when he says it. It's funny how some of his words have changed so much, many going in the wrong direction, not sure why? I heard Sebastian's alarm go off (the sound he makes when I need to come & see something). I wandered into the living room to find Judah sitting at the kitchen table. There was a box of Chex on the table, next to it was his bowl full of Chex. Chex were bubbling out of his bowl like soap suds. Apparently he had turned the entire box of cereal over & dumped it into his bowl. Then he set the box upright on the table, as if he had just poured a completely normal bowl of cereal. All of the kids sat down & helped him eat. Judah pretended to be Cookie Monster saying, "Cooookie!" and doing the "num, num, num" sound as he put his hands in front of his mouth, pretending to eat handfuls of Chex. And yes, of course, I got a picture.

    Judah did well at speech. She said he didn't imitate a lot, but I could hear him communicating & repeating her a decent amount during the last half of his session. The first half I spent running to the bank and scrubbing down the passenger seat of the van. One of Judah's cups had spilled (almond milk) into the seat. This happened on SATURDAY. We had not used the van since. I found his cup, still dripping into the seat, right before we headed to speech this afternoon. The light inside the van was on too.. it was fire hot. Scott drove the van on Saturday. I had to wait a while before I texted him after finding all of this - I was not happy. The milk went through the seat cover & left a stain the size of a dinner plate on the actual seat. I got it out impressively well with Resolve though.

    Judah's speech lady started him off in the gym this time. Good plan. I was happy about that.

    All of the kids were pretty hyped up tonight. I tried to redirect them - I told them to go play trains. Then I went to put away clothes. Somehow the train play never happened and the kids ended up following me around, as well as hanging all over Scott. They had lots of energy. Of course this led to some Sebastian behaviors. He hit Scott at least 3 times.. I know one time was with a stuffed animal. Sebastian was standing right in front of Scott & he slammed him in the face with a stuffed animal. That resulted in a very loud Scott scream & a direct route to time-out for Sebastian. Sebastian did apologize on his own & told us that he was going to do lots of "respectable things" tomorrow. When I had him doing jobs yesterday he called it doing "respectable things". Obviously that doesn't make up for his behavior, but at least he is showing some kind of remorse & a pretty big gesture to do better by telling us he will help out around the house.

    Willow got into the Vaseline tonight. I was in her room putting away clothes & pulling out a half dozen shoes she has grown out of. She was behind me, suddenly quiet. I turned around to see that she was slowly patting her hands & face with Vaseline. She looked absolutely fascinated with the slimy gunk. She had filled her plastic baby food dish with Vaseline too! Man. Vaseline is impossible to get off. She snuck into the Vaseline again one more time after that. She sucks her thumb to go to sleep. She was disgusted with her goopy thumb tonight, but bit the bullet & fell asleep as quick as possible! Later I heard Sebastian telling Scott, "I can't get it off!!!" He had used the sink faucet & bar of soap which were both covered in Vaseline. Ha! Even the light switch is greased up, yuck!! We are all moisturized & shiny for sure.

    I put the knives up high today. Sebastian got to one of the steak knives last night - it was laying on the counter. He motioned as if he were going to stab Scott. Bye, bye knives. We need to get some of those magnetic child-proof locks, so we can use the kitchen cabinets to lock things away. The only thing we make absolutely sure is locked away is the hazard box that we use to dispose of needles. But there are other things that should be completely unavailable, rather than just being stored up high somewhere. They need to be locked up - kids can climb, especially Sebastian.. he's like a damn monkey.

    Bash spent part of the day with Gramma, doing a nature walk, working on sight words, going out to eat, etc. She said he was very well-behaved. He was trying to be well-behaved after he got home. I could see that. Anytime I asked him to do something he did it - even putting away his laundry as I handed them to him & told him where they went. He HATES doing that - usually he will immediately walk out. I think the kids definitely need to learn that these things aren't Mommy & Daddy duties.. everyone needs to help. We are starting a bit late with him, obviously. We seem to be catching him at the tail end of the phase where kids are excited to help, sigh.

    So much for the short entry! Scott will do the med list, goodnight!

    Judah meds.
    • Probiotic 1 daily in morning
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
    • DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
    • DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS 2/day
    • Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morningli>
    • Creon (pancrilipase)
    • Miralax 1-2 times day
    • Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day
    • Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
    • Arctic Cod Liver Oil 1 teaspoon
    • Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day
    • Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
    • Iron up 1 tsp/day
    • his b-12/folinic shot
    Meds didn't take
    • Beta TCP 1-4 daily
    • Sleep factor
    • Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
    • WP Minerals 1/day
    • Fish Oil