This morning I of course woke up to Judah on one side of me & Willow & Scott on the other. Judah woke up right after I did & raced out of the bed. He came back with 2 of his new trains. He played on the bed for a while. I told him he needed to go potty. I told him that Porter & Victor could go to the potty with him. He got up & went potty! I followed him to make sure that's what was happening.
Later Judah came back into the bedroom (I was still in bed with Willow & Scott). He yelled, "Wake up!!" haha. That was a first! I'm so glad he is learning useful phrases like that, sigh.
Scott made everyone waffles this morning. Sebastian made 3 cards this morning with the supplies I had left out for him (as he had requested). He made a card from each of the kids. They were Father's Day cards for Scott! He tried to have Willow & Judah do their own. I think Willow did some coloring (on everyone's, oops!). He put stickers on Judah's card that were things Judah liked & did the same for Willow. Then he strategically placed stickers on a small children's hanger, which was to be used as a place where Daddy could hang his "tie necks", as Sebastian calls them. Apparently the stickers are supposed to keep the ties from falling off. He is a future Pinterester for sure! ;) Sebastian & I made a comic book paper weight for Daddy. We Mod Podged a few comic book characters onto the biggest rock Sebastian & I could find in his rock collection (one he calls Dino). I used Mod Podge for my first time last night - I love it!!!
The kids gifted Papa a "memory jar" this afternoon. I'll try to remember to post a picture of it on here. It's pretty cool! It wasn't long before all of the kids were off with Gramma & Papa for the day. The headed to the Bounce House!
Scott & I had a lazy day at home mostly. I wasn't feeling so hot, back pain & head pain. Scott did laundry & watched TV. Later we went out for mochas & to pick up dinner. Scott is cooking lobster for dinner.
The kids came home, flying threw the door & bouncing from wall to couch to ceiling! Sebastian was throwing things - mostly dog toys & pillows. With four adults in the room calmly trying to talk him down, he did a little better than usual. As Gramma & Papa were leaving I stood over Sebastian & held onto him. I told him that I had missed him & gave him a hug. Then Willow, Sebastian & I went directly (almost directly - a few pillows were thrown) to our bed & laid down. Sebastian got his massage from Daddy afterwards & everyone is now in bed!
Judah had a big poop today.
We weren't able to do his shot tonight. Willow was up a lot.
Judah meds.
Meds didn't take
Later Judah came back into the bedroom (I was still in bed with Willow & Scott). He yelled, "Wake up!!" haha. That was a first! I'm so glad he is learning useful phrases like that, sigh.
Scott made everyone waffles this morning. Sebastian made 3 cards this morning with the supplies I had left out for him (as he had requested). He made a card from each of the kids. They were Father's Day cards for Scott! He tried to have Willow & Judah do their own. I think Willow did some coloring (on everyone's, oops!). He put stickers on Judah's card that were things Judah liked & did the same for Willow. Then he strategically placed stickers on a small children's hanger, which was to be used as a place where Daddy could hang his "tie necks", as Sebastian calls them. Apparently the stickers are supposed to keep the ties from falling off. He is a future Pinterester for sure! ;) Sebastian & I made a comic book paper weight for Daddy. We Mod Podged a few comic book characters onto the biggest rock Sebastian & I could find in his rock collection (one he calls Dino). I used Mod Podge for my first time last night - I love it!!!
The kids gifted Papa a "memory jar" this afternoon. I'll try to remember to post a picture of it on here. It's pretty cool! It wasn't long before all of the kids were off with Gramma & Papa for the day. The headed to the Bounce House!
Scott & I had a lazy day at home mostly. I wasn't feeling so hot, back pain & head pain. Scott did laundry & watched TV. Later we went out for mochas & to pick up dinner. Scott is cooking lobster for dinner.
The kids came home, flying threw the door & bouncing from wall to couch to ceiling! Sebastian was throwing things - mostly dog toys & pillows. With four adults in the room calmly trying to talk him down, he did a little better than usual. As Gramma & Papa were leaving I stood over Sebastian & held onto him. I told him that I had missed him & gave him a hug. Then Willow, Sebastian & I went directly (almost directly - a few pillows were thrown) to our bed & laid down. Sebastian got his massage from Daddy afterwards & everyone is now in bed!
Judah had a big poop today.
We weren't able to do his shot tonight. Willow was up a lot.
Judah meds.
- Probiotic 1 daily in morning
- Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
- Vitamin D3 2000 IU one daily(morning)
- DMG 125 mg w/Folinic Acid &Methyl b-12 3 capsules in morning
- DOCU 150/15ML Liq Hi-Tech 2 MLS 2/day
- Levocarnitin 10% 1 Tablespoon 15MLS every morningli>
- Creon (pancrilipase)
- Miralax 1-2 times day
- Oxy-Mag Powder 1/2 teaspoon 1/day
- Molasses 1 tsp in almon milk
- Arctic Cod Liver Oil 1 teaspoon
- Organic coconut butter 1-3 tsp/day
- Sleep factor
- Bethanechol 25 mg 1/2 tablet 2/day
- WP Minerals 1/day
Meds didn't take
- Beta TCP 1-4 daily
- Iron up 1 tsp/day
- his b-12/folinic shot
- Powder B-6 1/2 tsp (fridge mix) every 3-5 days
- Fish Oil
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