Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Oregon City

Today started with a play date at Creative Studios, where the kids all had open access to painting, playing trains, sculpting, feeling & creating! Willow liked the Cheerio easel - where the kids glued Cheerios on with a q-tip. She liked the painting easel as well - she didn't want to stop painting! Sebastian made planes out of clothespins, painted a card & did some decorating with plastic beads. Judah made a card, painted a paper plate, played trains & mingled with the kids & adults.

Papa picked up Judah from the play date. Willow & Bash went with Gramma to have lunch & play at the Bounce House. Dave, Scott, Judah & I drove to Oregon City for Judah's appointment with the naturopathic doctor. We talked with him for an hour and a half. He gave us good tips, tons of information & new methods & supplements to try (some for sleep!!). The next supplement that we will try (in 10 days I think?) is one that acts on the speech part of the brain. He was looking forward to hearing how that was going - but we hadn't started it yet.

I gave Sebastian my old thesaurus the other day. I was going to donate it, because why not use the computer?? But then I realized that Sebastian would enjoy it. Kids know the real value of a book in hand over technology. Today he was using it. He loves the indented tabs with letters on them along the side. He practiced alternate words for "robust" this evening. Thesaurus's are so great.

More rain & wind today.

Judah had a phenomenal day. He was so aware of his surroundings & communicating verbally & non-verbally very well! For me, experiencing my little boy today was just incredible. He came home & played with his siblings, imitating Sebastian like never before.. really seeming to have fun in a more relaxed way, not running to feel the crash with Sebastian, but crashing to laugh & have fun. They both enjoyed one another's company so much. Willow joined in some too. Judah imitated my actions too - he was trying to pull one of the wood pieces off of a broken chair. I put my foot on the chair & pulled really hard. He did the same, having much difficulty keeping his balance with his leg in the air, haha. He thought it was hysterical! He transitioned easily when I told him we were going inside.

Lots of "train track" in the van. Then he looked me in the eye & said, "track, track, track". He was so relaxed & focused today. The only sensory stimulation I saw was mostly at home (crashing into the couch), but turned more into playing with his brother fairly quickly.

Scott made the kids smoothies - strawberry, banana, orange juice, honey & a bunch of spinach. He forgot the beet. That was an idea the doctor gave us today - and the only food item on the list from our visit today that Scott could find at the store. We need to get canned coconut & blackstrap molasses. Judah needs more protein, iron & cholesterol. His iron is very low & cholesterol is low. The doctor saw a drop of blood in his ear, near the eardrum and a tiny bit of something (I forget) that he thinks will move it's way out on it's own.

If anyone knows a good recipe/technique to making bone broth shoot us an email! :)

Judah got a prescription for nose drops - we'll pick that up tomorrow. His nose has been bleeding - doc said he saw infection.

He emphasized talking to Judah as much as possible - that can be extremely helpful for his progress.

He agreed with Judah's pediatrician's recommendations of massage & essential oils.

I got in as many big questions as I could. I completely forgot to have him look at the bumps on Judah's belly. We'll be seeing Judah's pediatrician on the 31st. Willow had a rash on her face tonight that spread over parts of her entire body. The bumps began to look like hives. They went away though! The nurse said to treat symptomatically & that sometimes this can happen intermittently when kids have colds & runny noses (she has both). But we also need to look at what she ate today, what she wore (detergent wise), etc. It looked like an allergic reaction, but who knows. We're just hoping it doesn't come back again. We did buy Benadryl though, just in case. She didn't seem uncomfortable tonight though.

Dave watched Judah & took notes during our doctor visit. Right now the only change in treatment is the increased number of B-12 shots (every 2 days) and starting supplements that could help with sleep. Also we will add black strap molasses (when we get some) to his almond milk & canned coconut & protein to his smoothies. Later he will start Oxymag, Creon, Bethanecal & B-6 - starting each 10 days apart. He advised us to check out as well & to have him drink coconut milk too.

Judah had no bowel movements today. This would be enema night, but Scott & I both didn't feel right about doing that as Judah was in the car/out & about most of the day. He didn't have a fair shot at pooping. He didn't get his Miralax until right before bed.

Judah had 1 tablespoon (one dose) of the doctor prescribed L-carnitine. He had 2 doses of Docusate Sodium, 2000 i.u. vitamin d, three tablets 125 mg folinic acid with b-12, one probiotic, fish oil & 1 dose of Miralax. No bowel movements today.

B-12 shot done.

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