Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Running In Circles

Sebastian & I started a project for Papa tonight. Sebastian was excited to stay up later than usual - this project definitely wasn't safe during daytime hours in our house. I was still half expecting the dog to sniff the glue gun & burn her nose off, but we had to risk it. Judah ran up & jumped on me numerous times after his bath, he was upset because my phone was dead. I literally had to hide my phone from him today. Anyway, still not the safest time for a glue gun project. The only safe location would probably be behind locked doors! What a dream that would be... ;)

Gramma picked up Sebastian from school. They did some Scooby-Doo reading. Sebastian is working on addition & subtraction at school. He's also learning the weather in Spanish. Every day after school he digs through his backpack & then asks us to close our eyes. When we are told to open them he yells "surprise!!", holding up his artwork & homework for us to see.

Judah had a doctor's appointment this afternoon to check up on his toe. I didn't get them ready in time & on top of that Judah refused to get in the car. So that's been rescheduled to the last day of this month, which is fine. He really doesn't even need a check-up - his toe looks fine. The Oregon City doctor appointment is the next really important doctor appointment. That happens in exactly 2 weeks. I am very interested to hear his thoughts on Judah's low cholesterol & what he knows about cholesterol within the spectrum.

Oh my gosh, such a lovely summer's day today! Judah got soaked, I accidentally sprayed him while filling watering cans, like 3 times. I put shorts & a t-shirt on him after that, which was perfect for today's weather. The kids sat in the driveway & painted (Judah's idea). Judah didn't want too much to do with it after Sebastian started looking at the Cars coloring book Judah was flipping through. Sebastian & Judah did really connect while playing in the house tonight. Suddenly Judah wasn't desperate for me to play with him, Sebastian was plenty!

Gramma stopped by to drop off Sebastian. She couldn't stay long. Judah and Willow stood on each side of Gramma, each holding her hand, waiting quietly & patiently for Gramma to walk them to her car... and strap them in. Judah didn't even have shoes on. Judah had a very hard time with the goodbye. I carried him singing the same Thomas song over & over & acting so excited to play trains in the mud. Sebastian started playing with Judah's trains in the mud while Judah was upset, trying to coax him over to play. That was really nice of him. Willow was pulling the wagon in circles screaming, "ahhhh!!", so she was fine.

I got them fed early tonight, that made the day fly by even faster. All fed & ready for bed by 7pm, just as Scott had requested this morning. Willow didn't get a nap today, so she crashed early. She didn't even have a chance to see Daddy this evening. She is still in love with her pink scooter by the way. If either of her brothers attempts to ride it she will scream their name, in her husky little voice.

While I was putting Willow down I was laying on our bed. Judah wandered in. I heard, "Yooo hooo!" haha. I gave him my phone in hopes that he wouldn't start jumping on me & being loud. He told me, "thank you", it's always just "thank". His "g" sound for "go" was right on today! That was when he was excited. It's always "doe". Sometimes if I clearly enunciate the sound for his word he will get it, but it never sticks, I need to keep doing it. I came into the living room & asked him if he would like a bath. He said quickly, "No Mom, Bob." He was watching Sponge Bob. There was no hesitation, the answer was quick. It was kind of surreal!

I was rubbing his back tonight while he was on the bed. He told me very sharply, "stop it" as he played on my phone. There were many 'stop it's' today. Silly stop it's (when he wanted me to stop singing but yet he couldn't stop smiling), and real stop it's, when I was annoying him. This evening he wanted me to chase him in a circle around the Lazy-boy. We all ran the tiny circle for quite a while, but Judah was the only one who was consistent. His face was red & he was sweaty, but he had to keep going! He got mad every time I stopped & begged me to keep going by pulling me in. When I didn't comply he would have a meltdown, throwing himself to the floor or at me. Sometimes he gets out of breath quickly when he plays, which always makes me think about asthma (Scott has asthma).

Drinking the almond milk was definitely slow-going today. His last dose of docusate sodium is in a full cup of almond milk in the fridge. He never made it to that one. No Miralax today either - we were out.

Judah took 7.5 ml L-carnatine, fish oil, 2000 i.u. vitamin d, three tablets 125 mg folinic acid with b-12, one probiotic, NO Miralax, one dose of Docusate Sodium (couldn't get the second dose in). He pooped once - no pain, came quickly, in diaper.


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