Very hectic night around here.
Judah really enjoys Play-doh. This morning he found the Play-doh we brought home from class last night. He wanted me to open it, but I told him we had to wait until later and distracted him with something else. I started the Play-doh homework with Judah late in the afternoon, while Sebastian was outside playing with his friends. Willow joined in the Play-doh activity. I had Judah choose his Play-doh & place mat colors. No problems there. Judah did very well keeping his Play-doh on his place mat. That was the goal of the activity. It was geared towards learning to set limits/boundaries. He did well for quite a while, and then he started putting his Play-doh in his hair & putting it on the table. I ended the activity at that point. He was fine with that. Mostly he did really well. We will work on that again tomorrow.
I also worked on Judah's photo book a few times with him tonight. He was excited to see that I had his photo book & looked closely at each picture. Unfortunately, he had no interest in naming any of the people. Although he did name Papa & Baby (Willow) once during the first go-around. He also shivered and said, "Brrr! Cold!!" when we were on the snowy pictures during the first trial. The other tries at different times tonight were not productive at all. Sebastian named people in the book with me for a little bit - this made Judah smile. I wonder if this is something Sebastian could work on & share with him?? You gotta try all the routes, especially when you haven't found one that consistently works!
Judah did well during speech therapy today. I could hear him repeating her very loudly, with confidence. During the latter part of his session he made it clear a few times that he wanted to be done, but was able to remain seated with her & continue on for the full 50 minutes That's a long time for a 4 year old!! Do YOU know any four year olds that can sit for that long? ;)
The kids & I saw a mobile home on fire in the middle of the street today. That was a first for all of us. We were actually parked in a parking lot facing the fire. It looked like the inside of the mobile home was on fire. A woman ran from the mobile home to the McDonald's across the street repeatedly, bringing a fire extinguisher back with her every time. It took police & fire a long time to get there! Eventually the smoke stopped & the mobile home drove around the corner to park & have lots of interesting conversations with police I'm sure.
The neighbor kids came over again today. Sebastian has no issue speaking up or taking the reigns with these boys. He can definitely hold his own. They all seem to be great friends. Although I still have to reprimand Cooper at least once every time he is here. He had no shirt on today. I'm wondering if that is why Judah took his shirt off and refused to put it back on?? haha. Judah & Willow were fine not playing with the boys. They were happy to play in the backyard with Mommy & do Play-doh inside.
At some point during the car ride home from speech therapy, Judah pooped & wet his pants (a lot). It even got the car seat wet. This has NEVER happened before. He did look a little uncomfortable & sad during part of the ride home. He was quiet too. Now I know why. But I never would have guessed that was going on, he gave no clue.
Judah pooped twice today. Neither time was I able to get him to the potty. The first time was right after school when he still had a diaper on, and of course the second was in the van while he was wearing a diaper. Potty-training is very slow-going for us!! It's so hard to keep it all consistent, but I'm trying hard. We've run out of Pull-Ups too, unfortunately. We have been asking Judah's Disability case worker for a month to bring us more. I really don't have time to coupon anymore. I give Scott a handful every time he does the grocery shopping, but that's typically the extent of it. When we run low on things like diapers, toilet paper, paper towels, etc... I feel obligated to coupon.
Willow got mad at me for sitting on her bibs today. "Mommy, don't sit there! Don't sit oon that! Mommy those mine!!" Later she got mad at Daddy for sitting on her Sophia shirt, "Daddy Sophia!! Sophia Daddy!!!" He had no idea he was squashing the most popular kid princess around. Daddy also sat in the chair Judah always sits in.. "Daddy, no! Judah's!!" Yesterday I gave her Judah's cup to drink from. "This Judah's! No!" and handed it back to me. She does this with so many things. Anything she sees with Cars on it is "Judah's", it doesnt matter where we are. To her Judah has many, many things.. all over the world! And everything Hello Kitty is "Willow's". I wore a rainbow belt today. She saw it and looked confused. Then she touched it and said, "Willow's", haha. That says a lot about my fashion sense, I'll never dress like an adult. :)
I took Willow on a play date this morning. I'm beginning to understand her play date personality. She is clingy, but not actually scared, she just hasn't decided how to act yet. She waits on instruction from someone - and does what they say! She did that with me & my friend today. When the little boy asked her to come to his room she was on her way, even though she hadn't spoken a word to him and had barely played with him. She wanted to take one of his toys home. I asked her to give it back. She stood in front of the little boy and threw it straight at him! Boy was she smiling. :) And with that, we left. For a very long time after that she was happy. She was even smiling for pictures during times when she typically would not. She followed a little girl around on the playground at school, waving at her. That play date really seemed to make her day!
Another funny personality tid-bit - Willow always says "Bye!" to people when we leave, even if she never spoke a word to them before that or seemed to be scared or off-standish with them. She'll say, "Bye!!" and give them a big friendly wave every time, haha.
Judah is getting really good at running! It's getting hard to chase him! Chase is his favorite game. He could do that all day long! But I do worry, because he gets out of breath pretty easily. And then the recent hyperventilation issue... and Daddy having asthma.. it all makes me worry.
Judah escaped the house today & ran away, laughing hard. I chased him out the door. He ran in a big circle around the yard. He was running shirtless, on a gorgeous day, being chased by his Mommy all over the yard. It was definitely the best part of today.
The developmental pediatrician we saw at Providence in Portland is asking for the Fragile X and choromosome results from the blood work we did long ago. We actually never saw the Fragile X results. The doctor didn't have them when I had asked for them & they never called, so we figured Judah was clear. Scott was never worried. But I really meant to double-check on that one. So I'm really glad this guy is pushing for results. Judah's old doctor did this testing.
The kids all seem to be getting bruises & bumps lately from playing.
Scott is working on taxes.
I haven't been able to find the new timer all day!!! Ugh!!! It just occurred to me that Judah may have hidden it. ;)
Judah started a new sleeping med. He can take up to 3 pills a night. We just gave him one. It's 500 mg. of Tryptophan. I guess now we'll see if it's really true what they say about Tryptophan.
Here's some tryptophan info:
Judah had 1 tablespoon (one dose) of the doctor prescribed L-carnitine. He had 2 doses of Docusate Sodium, 2000 i.u. vitamin d, three tablets 125 mg folinic acid with b-12, fish oil and no probiotic or nose drops (waiting to do lab). He had no Miralax. He had two bowel movements. He took the sleep supplement - 500 mg Trptophan, before bed. He also took 1/2 a pill of Bethanechol in the morn & the other 1/2 in the afternoon. He takes 25 mg total (one pill).
Judah really enjoys Play-doh. This morning he found the Play-doh we brought home from class last night. He wanted me to open it, but I told him we had to wait until later and distracted him with something else. I started the Play-doh homework with Judah late in the afternoon, while Sebastian was outside playing with his friends. Willow joined in the Play-doh activity. I had Judah choose his Play-doh & place mat colors. No problems there. Judah did very well keeping his Play-doh on his place mat. That was the goal of the activity. It was geared towards learning to set limits/boundaries. He did well for quite a while, and then he started putting his Play-doh in his hair & putting it on the table. I ended the activity at that point. He was fine with that. Mostly he did really well. We will work on that again tomorrow.
I also worked on Judah's photo book a few times with him tonight. He was excited to see that I had his photo book & looked closely at each picture. Unfortunately, he had no interest in naming any of the people. Although he did name Papa & Baby (Willow) once during the first go-around. He also shivered and said, "Brrr! Cold!!" when we were on the snowy pictures during the first trial. The other tries at different times tonight were not productive at all. Sebastian named people in the book with me for a little bit - this made Judah smile. I wonder if this is something Sebastian could work on & share with him?? You gotta try all the routes, especially when you haven't found one that consistently works!
Judah did well during speech therapy today. I could hear him repeating her very loudly, with confidence. During the latter part of his session he made it clear a few times that he wanted to be done, but was able to remain seated with her & continue on for the full 50 minutes That's a long time for a 4 year old!! Do YOU know any four year olds that can sit for that long? ;)
The kids & I saw a mobile home on fire in the middle of the street today. That was a first for all of us. We were actually parked in a parking lot facing the fire. It looked like the inside of the mobile home was on fire. A woman ran from the mobile home to the McDonald's across the street repeatedly, bringing a fire extinguisher back with her every time. It took police & fire a long time to get there! Eventually the smoke stopped & the mobile home drove around the corner to park & have lots of interesting conversations with police I'm sure.
The neighbor kids came over again today. Sebastian has no issue speaking up or taking the reigns with these boys. He can definitely hold his own. They all seem to be great friends. Although I still have to reprimand Cooper at least once every time he is here. He had no shirt on today. I'm wondering if that is why Judah took his shirt off and refused to put it back on?? haha. Judah & Willow were fine not playing with the boys. They were happy to play in the backyard with Mommy & do Play-doh inside.
At some point during the car ride home from speech therapy, Judah pooped & wet his pants (a lot). It even got the car seat wet. This has NEVER happened before. He did look a little uncomfortable & sad during part of the ride home. He was quiet too. Now I know why. But I never would have guessed that was going on, he gave no clue.
Judah pooped twice today. Neither time was I able to get him to the potty. The first time was right after school when he still had a diaper on, and of course the second was in the van while he was wearing a diaper. Potty-training is very slow-going for us!! It's so hard to keep it all consistent, but I'm trying hard. We've run out of Pull-Ups too, unfortunately. We have been asking Judah's Disability case worker for a month to bring us more. I really don't have time to coupon anymore. I give Scott a handful every time he does the grocery shopping, but that's typically the extent of it. When we run low on things like diapers, toilet paper, paper towels, etc... I feel obligated to coupon.
Willow got mad at me for sitting on her bibs today. "Mommy, don't sit there! Don't sit oon that! Mommy those mine!!" Later she got mad at Daddy for sitting on her Sophia shirt, "Daddy Sophia!! Sophia Daddy!!!" He had no idea he was squashing the most popular kid princess around. Daddy also sat in the chair Judah always sits in.. "Daddy, no! Judah's!!" Yesterday I gave her Judah's cup to drink from. "This Judah's! No!" and handed it back to me. She does this with so many things. Anything she sees with Cars on it is "Judah's", it doesnt matter where we are. To her Judah has many, many things.. all over the world! And everything Hello Kitty is "Willow's". I wore a rainbow belt today. She saw it and looked confused. Then she touched it and said, "Willow's", haha. That says a lot about my fashion sense, I'll never dress like an adult. :)
I took Willow on a play date this morning. I'm beginning to understand her play date personality. She is clingy, but not actually scared, she just hasn't decided how to act yet. She waits on instruction from someone - and does what they say! She did that with me & my friend today. When the little boy asked her to come to his room she was on her way, even though she hadn't spoken a word to him and had barely played with him. She wanted to take one of his toys home. I asked her to give it back. She stood in front of the little boy and threw it straight at him! Boy was she smiling. :) And with that, we left. For a very long time after that she was happy. She was even smiling for pictures during times when she typically would not. She followed a little girl around on the playground at school, waving at her. That play date really seemed to make her day!
Another funny personality tid-bit - Willow always says "Bye!" to people when we leave, even if she never spoke a word to them before that or seemed to be scared or off-standish with them. She'll say, "Bye!!" and give them a big friendly wave every time, haha.
Judah is getting really good at running! It's getting hard to chase him! Chase is his favorite game. He could do that all day long! But I do worry, because he gets out of breath pretty easily. And then the recent hyperventilation issue... and Daddy having asthma.. it all makes me worry.
Judah escaped the house today & ran away, laughing hard. I chased him out the door. He ran in a big circle around the yard. He was running shirtless, on a gorgeous day, being chased by his Mommy all over the yard. It was definitely the best part of today.
The developmental pediatrician we saw at Providence in Portland is asking for the Fragile X and choromosome results from the blood work we did long ago. We actually never saw the Fragile X results. The doctor didn't have them when I had asked for them & they never called, so we figured Judah was clear. Scott was never worried. But I really meant to double-check on that one. So I'm really glad this guy is pushing for results. Judah's old doctor did this testing.
The kids all seem to be getting bruises & bumps lately from playing.
Scott is working on taxes.
I haven't been able to find the new timer all day!!! Ugh!!! It just occurred to me that Judah may have hidden it. ;)
Judah started a new sleeping med. He can take up to 3 pills a night. We just gave him one. It's 500 mg. of Tryptophan. I guess now we'll see if it's really true what they say about Tryptophan.
Here's some tryptophan info:
Judah had 1 tablespoon (one dose) of the doctor prescribed L-carnitine. He had 2 doses of Docusate Sodium, 2000 i.u. vitamin d, three tablets 125 mg folinic acid with b-12, fish oil and no probiotic or nose drops (waiting to do lab). He had no Miralax. He had two bowel movements. He took the sleep supplement - 500 mg Trptophan, before bed. He also took 1/2 a pill of Bethanechol in the morn & the other 1/2 in the afternoon. He takes 25 mg total (one pill).
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