Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sick Judah

Judah is sick. We don't know what hurts, we don't know how he feels.. he isn't saying anything & doesn't want to eat. He fell asleep on the couch at Gramma & Papa's. They said he played for a while. His tummy hurt before music therapy this morning - he was trying to poop. He had some pains during music therapy too. He just seemed to slowly feel worse as the day progressed. No temp & no bowel movements today.

Angie had some new approaches today. She threw a big blanket on top of Judah. She played the piano.. singing about what he was doing at that moment.. speeding up the song when he would appear out from under the blanket. It was really pretty & cute. Judah didn't know what to do at first. He pretended to sleep, making snoring sounds. He was pretty mellow. Then suddenly he threw the blanket & jumped on me! I put the blanket on top of him every once in a while and smooshed him. Halfway through he decided to take his shoes and socks off - he's never done that during therapy before. I'm guessing that was an association with bedtime. I think the point was to relax him as soon as we started the session, since he can be wildly energetic during sessions at times. The blanket piano song was the first thing we did.

Judah talked some during music therapy, not nearly as much as he has been. Had he been feeling better, he would have had more fun. He was still pretty receptive though, listening to Angie's entire bear story/song & studying the book when she was all done. This approach was brilliant. Like the blanket song, this approach was also geared specifically towards Judah. He gets tired of books quickly, so she told the story & then showed the book. He sat and quietly studied the pictures, probably matching them to the story he had just heard. She filled in the story/song with movements and actions involving Judah. He used his bare feet to play the drums today. He cleaned up well. He followed the directions that he knew & liked to do, but new ones not so much.

Scott & I got the hardware up for Judah & Sebastian's bedroom curtains. But unfortunately that's all we got done - our project was stopped because the rod was less than half an inch too short!! So we decided to replace the hardware on Willow's curtains (she had the awful kind, the cheapest you can buy). Then we used the rod to hang her curtains - it was too pretty not to use. Unfortunately with that we STILL got the hardware too far apart, the rod did hang though.. just barely. See the pic below for my solution to this problem. It worked!

Sebastian & Papa got their garden planted at Gramma & Papa's house. Monka (what Willow calls Gramma) told me that Willow went down the tube slide all by herself at Bauman's! Tonight Willow came home and found me in her room. "Willow's room!!" she shouted, with a very angry look on her face. To her, everything has an owner. However, this toddler concept is starting to take over!! Hopefully it's not going to be "Willow's house" anytime soon!

Judah had 1 tablespoon (one dose) of the doctor prescribed L-carnitine. He had 2 doses of Docusate Sodium, 2000 i.u. vitamin d, three tablets 125 mg folinic acid with b-12, no fish oil (we're out) and no probiotic or nose drops (waiting to do lab). He had 2 doses of Miralax & one serving of Benefiber. We skipped the sleep supplement - he put himself to bed again - he's sick. He also took 1/2 a pill of Bethanechol in the morn, but we didn't get in the other 1/2 because he would not eat (feeling bad).

B-12 shot given.

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