Saturday, September 20, 2014

Happy 37th Scott!!!

Scott turned 37 today!!

We had a very spontaneous birthday party for Scott moments after Mom & Dave brought the kids home from their usual Gramma/Papa Saturday. They came bearing a dish of chocolate truffles which looked like brownies & acted as the "birthday cake". These truffles were chocolate upon chocolate upon chocolate. I've never tasted anything so chocolaty in my life!

When they arrived I was in the garage, digging through what I like to call the "birthday box". I also have 3 Halloween boxes, an Easter box, 4 Christmas boxes & more. These all contain stuff that pertains to the box title. I found 3 Wubbzy candles & mis-matched birthday hats in the birthday box - these, presents, a dish of pure chocolate & family all made for a sweet 37th birthday party for Scott! Pictures below.

Sebastian made Daddy a birthday cake before anyone awoke this morning! Bread, sprinkles, sugar & popsicle sticks as candles! He does something for Scott's birthday every year before everyone gets up.


Scott & I went to an ASD support group meeting this afternoon. This is an online ASD group that meets once a month face-to-face. The online group is a good amount of people - and it's fairly active. But the monthly support group meeting brings only a few faces. It's so disappointing. Even between the few of us that go to these meetings, we are still able to share a good amount of advice, help, support & ideas. If more people would come it would be even more beneficial! And more people would be helped & there would be much better odds of the ideas, advice & help found at the meetings to be spread even further. There are no ASD support groups here in Salem or the surrounding towns. But obviously autism is pretty common & it's life-changing & it's unbelievably hard to find good help & guidance & even when you do it needs to pertain to your child & situation.. and every kid with autism is different as is every situation, etc. So it just baffles me that people don't come to these meetings!! If we lived in Portland we would be at them much more often. There are many there, as well as classes, specialists, etc. We end up in Portland all the time.. twice a week minimum.

Judah's progress was blasting today. Angie (his music therapist) was floored. "Judah, you are kind of blowing my mind right now!" She told a mutual friend waiting outside the studio, "Judah's language just exploded!!" He was repeating her, following directions, doing movements on his own, making choices and more. His usual behaviors during parts of the routine were much more mild & focused. His creativity & critical thinking skills have begun to shine even more. He played with her beanie baby frogs, placing them where they could all see one another, making sure their legs & arms weren't twisted (if they were he would untwist them & say, "ouch!") and made them have conversations. Typically he gathers these all in his arms & throws them. He always throws them. Today it was a completely different behavior.

 His speech therapy occurred directly after an hour drive to Portland, 45 mins of music therapy & a 45 minute drive back to Salem. All of this activity didn't slow his progress at all. His speech therapist was blown away as well!! She handed me a big evaluation that she had written on Judah, including recommendations that we can use for disability/insurance, etc. When it was time to go he didn't want to leave. Finally I said, "Are you ready to go see Papa now?" and he replies, "What?!? Papa? Papa!!" and rushes to the door. I could hear his therapist laughing in her office, the receptionist was laughing too!

This morning I asked Judah to go get his Thomas shirt while we were in my bedroom. He went to the living room & retrieved it! Then I told him to put it on & he did! I only had to ask him to do these things one time. Amazing change, so radical, it's hard to believe it's real!

Judah had a large poop.
No need for skin rash med or eye drops or powder b-6.
Missed beta & fish oil.


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