Friday, September 5, 2014

Shot In The Bum

This morning I was still battling a bad headache. I had a doctor appointment scheduled for today to talk about what my neurologist had recommended. No one there had a clue that my neurologist was requesting lab information from them & that he had made medical recommendations for me. But the amazing thing was that they were able to call & get that information from the neurology office, even have papers faxed over, in less than 20 minutes! When does THAT happen?! My doc prescribed a new migraine med for me. She thought the neurologist's' suggestion, for me to come off of my current migraine med, was worth a shot. The neurologist thinks the current med could be causing my memory trouble. Anyway, if things don't get better they will have to take a peek at my brain. After all that was figured out the MA came in and gave me a shot in the a** to kill my headache. The day began to get better.

Judah seemed sad & bored today. We tried many different things to engage him. I wonder if he was missing his usual aide. Fridays belong to a different aide. I'm not sure. He did perk up when he watched the "Your Baby Can Read" videos, when I tickled him & when we waited for Sebastian outside the school. Daddy took them out to McDonald's to play tonight - I'm guessing he enjoyed that too.

Willow & I went to a "2 and under" play date today. It was in the family room at the Broadway Coffeehouse. It's a closed off room with a small play area, along with tables & chairs to sit & drink your coffee! We are definitely trying that again - either with Daddy or the aide. It's more for little ones, I doubt Sebastian would enjoy it much. It's so nice to have a heavy door closing off a play area where you can sit in a quiet public place & talk with other adults. It's even on the second story - so you can look out the windows from above! McDonald's just doesn't compare.

Scott worked from home today. The aide & Judah were here all day - with the exception of going to get Sebastian from school.

Judah had a large bm.

Judah didn't have fish oil, powder b-6, beta, iron-up, 2nd bethanecol, coconut butter, molasses or oxy mag.
Judah had one dose of Miralax.
No need for rash med or eye drop.

Late tonight, Judah heard his sister crying. He came into her room. I asked him if he needed to potty and he said, "no". I touched his back to let him know we were leaving Willow's room and he said "Stop!" Then he climbed into bed with her and went to sleep! Later I moved him back to his bed, immediately after Willow kept waking up every 20 mins demanding that I sleep with her!

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