September is the month of birthdays! Today is Scott's birthday. He turned 36 years old, but don't remind him. He spent the day working (at least it was from home!). We opened gifts on his lunch break. And after work we had some family time at Costco (man was that a horrible trip). After we got home from Costco it was bedtime for the kids. Scott showered & rushed out the door, 30 minutes late for game night with his friends. So yeah, that was his birthday. Maybe we will just celebrate that tomorrow. I am very confident that we will.
I honestly feel like Scott & I have been best friends forever. Falling in love was completely natural, completely meant to be. He was the piece of my puzzle that I had been missing for so long. Now we are learning to parent together. In the beginning, we were both pretty clueless about parenting, but we have come a long way. And I think that has a lot to do with our chemistry. He loves our kids so much. I remember when we were living in Phoenix 6 years ago & I asked him how much he loved me. He told me that he loved me more than anything in the world. Then he thought for a second and said, "Well, except for Sebastian (our baby at the time)". That speaks volumes about his love for our children. We have been parenting now for 6 years & have made some huge decisions in that 6 years. I can't say that we always agree, but I can say that he always holds an open mind. I don't know many people that can do that! He's taught me compromise for sure. He's also taught me that the answer is always there, you just have to look hard enough. Giving up is never an option. As a father he has taught our children how to have fun, patience and strength. They are in admiration of Daddy, and I am too. I love you babe. Happy birthday!
I honestly feel like Scott & I have been best friends forever. Falling in love was completely natural, completely meant to be. He was the piece of my puzzle that I had been missing for so long. Now we are learning to parent together. In the beginning, we were both pretty clueless about parenting, but we have come a long way. And I think that has a lot to do with our chemistry. He loves our kids so much. I remember when we were living in Phoenix 6 years ago & I asked him how much he loved me. He told me that he loved me more than anything in the world. Then he thought for a second and said, "Well, except for Sebastian (our baby at the time)". That speaks volumes about his love for our children. We have been parenting now for 6 years & have made some huge decisions in that 6 years. I can't say that we always agree, but I can say that he always holds an open mind. I don't know many people that can do that! He's taught me compromise for sure. He's also taught me that the answer is always there, you just have to look hard enough. Giving up is never an option. As a father he has taught our children how to have fun, patience and strength. They are in admiration of Daddy, and I am too. I love you babe. Happy birthday!
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