Judah said "want out" and "want help" (a few times) when he wanted out of the car at McDonalds this morning. That was huge. He has said "want help" many times today, but we have never heard him say "want out". Someone asked him who was in the mirror today and he said, "me!!" That was also a first. He also sat down next to a boy around his age and said "hi!", and grabbed his hand and shook it twice. Unfortunately the boy did not respond. They watched tv together. The boy turned around at one point. Judah wanted him to keep watching the tv so he touched his shoulder and said, "watch!!" These were just some interesting things he did today, huge progress.
Gramma and Papa had Willow and Sebastian today while Judah, Scott and I were in Portland. I asked Gramma to write about their day. See below, very fun stuff! Enjoy!
Blog by Gramma-
Today Willow and Sebastian arrived at Gram and Papa's house at about 6:00 a.m. Sebastian, of course, had been up even earlier! And Willow was ready to start the day, as well. It was a wonderful morning. We've never played stair ball at our house before 7:00 a.m. but today was a first. While Gramma cooked waffles and sausages, the stair ball team's energy escalated. At breakfast, Willow had waffles which was a first and Sebastian and Papa read the local weather forecast. Sebastian can read forecast temperatures and loves the weather videos.
After Papa left for work, Gram, Sebastian and Willow set out to take Sebastian to his third day of kindergarten. Sebastian told me before we went in that he might be a little scared but he'd be fine in a few minutes and that's exactly what happened. He found his folder and sat down with some very friendly classmates, all writing their names and coloring with quiet enthusiasm. Senora Stewart, the head teacher, seemed very in touch with what was going on with all the kids, calling them by name, and even taking time for a few hugs with former students who stopped in to say hi. Sebastian had a few tears and didn't want Gramma and Willow to leave for a few minutes but then he bravely waved goodbye as Gram assured him she'd be back in just a couple of hours.
Willow and Gramma then went to Fred Meyers for a little girl shopping. Willow tried on Hello Kitty sunglasses and picked out a shirt she liked as well as a few headbands. It was so much fun to see all the little girl smiles and hear her chatter on. She started saying Granmama about that time and seemed to be having fun. She mentioned from the back seat on the way to pick up Sebastian, "Granmama, no shoes and socks, bye, bye." This while clutching the new baby she also picked out at FM who she didn't put down for hours!
Sebastian greeted us after Kindergarten with a big smile and tales of what he'd done and mentioned he had a friend. He sang the ABC's in espanol and even had a cute story/song about colors he later sang. He's really picking up the Spanish quickly! We hurried to pick up Papa and got everyone lunch at Marco Polo, Sebastian's favorite. Willow and Sebastian shared french fries and chicken strips. Yum! We had a window table overlooking the park where after lunch, we went out to feed the ducks. Willow had a special duck friend who followed her around. Sebastian loves to point out the intricate spider webs we see on the water works there at the park. They are truly works of art glinting in the sun.
The afternoon was energetic, except Willow slept for two hours! Sebastian swiffered and cleaned with me and then made delicious brownies. He reminded me I owed him $5.00 for the last time he helped me clean so now I owe him 10.00! I promised him a roll of quarters for his bank where he's saving up to buy an RV for a family vacation!
Papa arrived about 4:00 and more fun began. Willow and Sebastian swung in the hammock, laughing and giggling the entire time. It was pretty hysterical. Willow stayed in the longest, running her fingers across the grass fearlessly as she swang. She talked a lot today, several two and three word utterances and loved the play time. She took my phone and was holding long conversations with someone!
I learned something new, today. Sebastian had a donut earlier, after helping clean, just about the time Willow woke up. I walked out to the deck where I saw him giving her bites of the donut. "Willow loves donuts, especially chocolate," he explained. I also caught him giving her a big hug and the two of them giggling like old buddies.
Baths, more stair ball (in which Willow participates and will not be left out) then home to parents and Judah who we missed today.
Gramma and Papa had Willow and Sebastian today while Judah, Scott and I were in Portland. I asked Gramma to write about their day. See below, very fun stuff! Enjoy!
Blog by Gramma-
Today Willow and Sebastian arrived at Gram and Papa's house at about 6:00 a.m. Sebastian, of course, had been up even earlier! And Willow was ready to start the day, as well. It was a wonderful morning. We've never played stair ball at our house before 7:00 a.m. but today was a first. While Gramma cooked waffles and sausages, the stair ball team's energy escalated. At breakfast, Willow had waffles which was a first and Sebastian and Papa read the local weather forecast. Sebastian can read forecast temperatures and loves the weather videos.
After Papa left for work, Gram, Sebastian and Willow set out to take Sebastian to his third day of kindergarten. Sebastian told me before we went in that he might be a little scared but he'd be fine in a few minutes and that's exactly what happened. He found his folder and sat down with some very friendly classmates, all writing their names and coloring with quiet enthusiasm. Senora Stewart, the head teacher, seemed very in touch with what was going on with all the kids, calling them by name, and even taking time for a few hugs with former students who stopped in to say hi. Sebastian had a few tears and didn't want Gramma and Willow to leave for a few minutes but then he bravely waved goodbye as Gram assured him she'd be back in just a couple of hours.
Willow and Gramma then went to Fred Meyers for a little girl shopping. Willow tried on Hello Kitty sunglasses and picked out a shirt she liked as well as a few headbands. It was so much fun to see all the little girl smiles and hear her chatter on. She started saying Granmama about that time and seemed to be having fun. She mentioned from the back seat on the way to pick up Sebastian, "Granmama, no shoes and socks, bye, bye." This while clutching the new baby she also picked out at FM who she didn't put down for hours!
Sebastian greeted us after Kindergarten with a big smile and tales of what he'd done and mentioned he had a friend. He sang the ABC's in espanol and even had a cute story/song about colors he later sang. He's really picking up the Spanish quickly! We hurried to pick up Papa and got everyone lunch at Marco Polo, Sebastian's favorite. Willow and Sebastian shared french fries and chicken strips. Yum! We had a window table overlooking the park where after lunch, we went out to feed the ducks. Willow had a special duck friend who followed her around. Sebastian loves to point out the intricate spider webs we see on the water works there at the park. They are truly works of art glinting in the sun.
The afternoon was energetic, except Willow slept for two hours! Sebastian swiffered and cleaned with me and then made delicious brownies. He reminded me I owed him $5.00 for the last time he helped me clean so now I owe him 10.00! I promised him a roll of quarters for his bank where he's saving up to buy an RV for a family vacation!
Papa arrived about 4:00 and more fun began. Willow and Sebastian swung in the hammock, laughing and giggling the entire time. It was pretty hysterical. Willow stayed in the longest, running her fingers across the grass fearlessly as she swang. She talked a lot today, several two and three word utterances and loved the play time. She took my phone and was holding long conversations with someone!
I learned something new, today. Sebastian had a donut earlier, after helping clean, just about the time Willow woke up. I walked out to the deck where I saw him giving her bites of the donut. "Willow loves donuts, especially chocolate," he explained. I also caught him giving her a big hug and the two of them giggling like old buddies.
Baths, more stair ball (in which Willow participates and will not be left out) then home to parents and Judah who we missed today.
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