Saturday, September 28, 2013

Progress in Theaters

Last night a friend sent me a post from a local movie theater website. It was about a "sensory sensitive" movie the theater would be showing today. I read through the post and learned exactly what a "sensory sensitive" movie experience was like & boy did it sound fun! Kids with sensory issues can sometimes find loud noises and bright lights overwhelming & upsetting. For this reason, they adjust the lights and sound during a sensory sensitive viewing to keep the environment tolerable. They allow everyone to bring their own food, which helps with kids on special diets, allergies and picky eaters (sometimes another sensory issue). This also allows for healthier movie snacks! During the movie, the kids are free to get up and move around, dance, and do what they enjoy without being considered a "distraction". Movement is very helpful for sensory processing in children. This could obviously be a very fun experience for children with or without sensory issues. I got even more excited when I saw that the movie was one the boys had been wanting to see! Tickets were only 3 bucks too! So the plan for today was to go to the movie & afterwards the grandparents could spend time with the kids while Mommy and Daddy had a break. Unfortunately, the movie had to be taken out of the plan since Judah was constipated and not feeling well all morning, poor guy. However, I was very pleased to learn that this theater has sensory sensitive movie showings once a month! We will definitely make the next one!!

The kids are out now with Grandma & Papa. They said Judah pooped at McDonalds & then fell asleep in the car on the way to the bounce house place. Apparently he is up now & bouncing! I hope he will be up for music therapy in Portland tomorrow!

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