Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sick Sebastian

Today Willow, Judah & myself spent 2 hours trying to get out of the house. This isn't anything new. I literally had to lock myself in my bedroom just to get dressed.

Sebastian wasn't feeling well today - the school called me to go get him. I had Judah & Willow with me, so Scott offered to meet me at the school to help. Unfortunately Scott took forever to get there & I ended up just going in with the kids. Willow made it through the first school entrance door and then threw a fit because I wouldn't allow her to open the second door on her own. So she laid in the entryway, screaming & crying, while Judah walked up to the office, leaned over the counter and said something like, "Hi! What are you doing?" He was happy & very chatty! He took Sebastian's hand and walked him outside. I had to carry Willow out. The next meltdown happened at the van. Judah didn't understand that Sebastian was sick & we needed to go home. He refused to get in. Now he was kicking & screaming.. even on the ground in the parking lot at one point (rainy day). As I had finally almost gotten him into his car seat, I look over to see Scott driving up. I notice the front license plate hanging a bit sideways. He was late because he had gotten into a small fender-bender. He was fine, just upset.

Sebastian spent the rest of the day on the couch - feverish, tired & achy.

The massage therapist came over to show Scott J's massage study results (the amount of change in specific areas since we first began doing the massage). He wasn't there when she had brought them the first time. We all gave Judah a nice long massage. He nearly fell asleep! I'd never seen him melt away like that before during his massage - and quickly too!! The results were beautiful - but you would've guessed that I'm sure.

Judah had a phenomenal day, understanding so much & responding appropriately. He again asked me to watch Toy Story while he waited (for food), "Toy Story while wait?". He wanted his picture taken, posing & running back to see what the picture looked like on the camera. Willow & J were wrestling a lot today- hugging a lot, best friends forever. I told Judah to tell me what he wanted. I wanted him to say the full sentence. Typically I say the sentence first & he repeats it, but he just did it on his own today! Sometimes he says part of it, but today he just said it like he knew exactly what I was asking him to do - which he obviously did.

Some pics from today below. Sebastian was sad that he couldn't join in the jumping off the couch fun. He wanted me to take his picture but told me to wait until his tears "went back up", ha.


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