Sunday, August 24, 2014

Another Microwave Bites the Dust... (update) -- Or Does It?

The microwave broke tonight. I cannot begin to tell you how many microwaves we have gone through. Our fridge broke not too long ago too. Aren't those things supposed to last FOREVER??!?

Sebastian spotted a snake in the garden tonight. We were both standing very near to it. We watched over it until it slithered through a vent on the side of our house. Scott came home, got a shovel & flashlight & tried to open the vent the snake had gone through. He was out there for a long time. His plan was to smash the snake with a shovel. Unfortunately for him, the snake never showed up to the party. That particular vent the snake chose connects to the fan on the stove. We kept that on for a while. No snake. I also had the oven on at 425 degrees (I was cooking, not trying to fry the snake. No one will believe me on that because I never cook).

Before the snake..
Scott took Willow & Judah to the store. I took Sebastian to the park for some Mommy/son time. I had promised him a while back that we would do this. I'm going to schedule a specific time (probably every Sunday) where we have time together. He rode his bike along the trails. We stopped at one of the playgrounds. He was on the swings for a while. I had never seen him do the "out, in" with his legs to help him go higher. I've been trying to teach him that for years!! He went insanely high on the swings. He showed me some of his hide-outs. He climbed some trees. Then we went home where he was going to watch a movie that he couldn't watch when his siblings were home. He was excited about this. And then along came the damn snake, taking up way too much of our time. I sent him in to watch his movie but he couldn't figure out the DVD player - I didn't know this until later, he didn't even tell me, poor kid.

eye drop done at 3:30

PS!! Days later we realized that the outlet, actually MANY outlets, were not working. With some breaker flipping and re-set button pushing on the outlets we have microwave magic again!!!

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