Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hope Squared

How can one person possibly cook dinner while watching 3 kids? Not only that but everyone has eaten by 630 and the kids are asleep in bed by 730. I have many, many friends who do this on a daily basis. I hope they take a break on the weekends. We sort of accomplished that routine tonight and last night accomplished it for sure. It's not carefree or relaxing by any means. Having dinners frozen to cook sounds like heaven. Scott has always been against that. He likes everything "fresh". I'm wondering if that mind frame has opened up some now. If I'm going to be the one cooking then we will end up with some frozen meals for sure. And I'm betting anything that he will be completely fine with it. Scott's after-work time with the kids seems to have drifted away a bit. Maybe it's just all an adjustment to the new routine & will get much better in the long run. I can only hope so.

Judah progress blew me away today! He was singing a lot and I could understand some words. I secretly recorded this on my phone. He also had a very happy day, that probably had something to do with what felt like a breakthrough today. I asked him to repeat one word after the next on multiple occasions today. And he did! These were sentences with me telling him word by word what to say. Astounding!!

Lots of crashing in OT today, which continued on when we got home. The OT lady says it makes him feel really good to crash into things. The kids played so hard at home today. That's probably why Willow fell asleep in under 5 minutes this evening.

Willow and I ran a few errands while the boys were in school. While returning Sebastian's puzzle wall poster to Rite-Aid I noticed the Halloween clearance bins. I don't know why I can't resist fairy wings at 75% off. I've already bought 2 pairs this year and grabbed another on clearance last year. None of my kids have ever been winged creatures for Halloween and I don't expect any of them to be next year. I just can't resist cheap fairy wings!!

Sebastian told me that one of the girls in his class said, "Sebastian Karla likes you!!" and Karla said, "I do not!" He just thought it was funny. From what I could gather from his story, I am pretty sure he had no clue what they were talking about.

Last night at dinner Scott kept trying to put a piece of food on Judah's plate. Judah said, "No" repeatedly. He didn't like it at all. Finally Judah pushes Scott's hand away from his plate and says, "Kachow!!"

The OT lady gave us lots of tips, as usual. We need to start an "all done" box. This may help with J's urge to throw things when he is done with them. She recommended having one in each room and also using it for meal time, as it can help with eating new foods. There is one food on his plate that he doesn't like at every meal. He will have to touch it when he throws it in the box. Touching it makes the food less scary and is actually a step in getting him to eat new foods. We will also be doing finger painting with foods and then offering them to eat later (not the ones we paint with, haha). Basically the steps are.. for him to tolerate a food he doesn't care for on his plate, for him to touch it in some way, for him to touch it to his lips, for him to kiss it (we model the lips stuff) and lastly for him to try a small bite. Did you ever know there were so many steps to taking a bite of food??

Robin isn't going to be available to attend our IFSP meeting if we do it on the day they have picked. We still haven't agreed to that date yet. She sent me a lengthy email of her professional opinion on what she believes we need to activate within his team. She added her thoughts on what we could do on our own that could be potentially very powerful for his development. I can't keep up with all of the opinions and advice we get from professionals. However, this was different. Her thoughts made sense, offered us much knowledge and promising ideas that would have never occurred to us. That email propelled enormous amounts of hope into me. That combined with his breakthrough today made for a pretty incredible Thursday.

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